14th Cambridge/Oxford Applied Mathematics Meeting
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A. Cantabrigian and A.N. Oxonian
Tuesday 16 June 2009, 11:00-17:30
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Ed Brambley.
A series of 15 min talks given by applied mathematics researchers at Oxford and Cambridge. The program is available from www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/seminars/oxbridge
Cambridge/Oxford Applied Mathematics Meetings are held every two years, and alternate between Oxford and Cambridge. The talks are judged, with the winning team being awarded the Woolly Owl trophy.
This year’s judges are Prof. Amit Acharya (Carnegie Mellon) & Prof. Graeme Wake (Massey and Canterbury).
This talk is part of the Monday Mechanics Seminars (DAMTP) series.
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