University of Cambridge > > Peter Whittle Lecture > Dimers Day in Cambridge

Dimers Day in Cambridge

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Berestycki.

A mathematical colloquium in honour of Peter Whittle.

Times and room: All lectures will be given in MR12. 
10.45am. Cedric Boutillier. An introduction to planar dimer model.
11.45am. Sunil Chhita. The two-periodic Aztec diamond
Lunch break between 12.45 and 2.15pm.
2.15pm. Julien Dubédat. TBA.
3.25pm. Benoît Laslier. Universality of height fluctuations.
*4.35pm. Fabio Toninelli. A class of (2+1)-dimensional growth process with explicit stationary measure.

A drinks reception in the Central Core will follow the talks.

This talk is part of the Peter Whittle Lecture series.

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