University of Cambridge > > Optimization and Incentives Seminar > Local Optimality in Algebraic Path Problems

Local Optimality in Algebraic Path Problems

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Felix Fischer.

Due to complex policy constraints, some Internet routing protocols are associated with non-standard metrics that fall outside of the approach to path problems based on semirings and “globally optimal” paths. Some of these exotic metrics can be captured by relaxing the semiring axioms to include algebras that are not distributive. A notion of “local optimality” can be defined for such algebras as a fixed-point of a matrix equation. This is the case with the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) that is used to implement world-wide Internet connectivity. In BGP metrics are derived from the economics of contracts between interacting networks.

This talk is part of the Optimization and Incentives Seminar series.

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