Large non-Gaussianity from slow-roll inflation
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr H K Kunduri.
Non-Gaussianity of the primordial curvature perturbation is a powerful and topical way of distinguishing between the many possible models of inflation. While the simplest models of inflation predict a tiny level of non-Gaussianity, there are many models which predict an observable level of non-Gaussianity such as the curvaton scenario, modulated reheating etc. In this talk I show that it is possible to generate a large level of non-Gaussianity (f_NL~100) during multiple-field inflation, without breaking the slow-roll conditions. The non-Gaussianity is generated on super-Hubble scales and is of the local form. I present the general conditions required to generate a large non-Gausssianity and quantify the fine tuning of the initial conditions required to achieve this. Finally I apply these conditions to the specific model of hybrid inflation.
This talk is part of the DAMTP Friday GR Seminar series.
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