University of Cambridge > > HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar > Quasi-PDFs as observables

Quasi-PDFs as observables

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mathieu Pellen.

Light-cone Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) encode our knowledge of the structure of nucleons in terms of elementary constituents called partons. Factorization theorems allow us to compute observables at colliders as convolutions of the PDFs and some hard cross-sections that can be determined in perturbation theory. Because of the nonperturbative nature of QCD at the hadronic scale, PDFs are not accessible to perturbation theory and are usually extracted from experimental data.

Recently there has been a lot of activity focussed on the computation of quasi-PDF (and pseudo-PDF) from first-principle lattice simulations of QCD . In this talk we summarise the relation between these quantities and the usual light-cone PDFs that are used as an input for phenomenological analyses at colliders. We will elucidate a few theoretical points and discuss how to include these quantities in current global fits of PDFs. Perspectives for future work on the lattice will be presented.

The slides of the presentation can be found here

This talk is part of the HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar series.

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