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Junior Geometry Seminar
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Also known as geometry tea. This is a series of informal seminars on geometry of all kinds. If you have a question about this list, please contact: Siao Chi Mok; Adrian Dawid; Will Cohen; Julian Wykowski. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 7 upcoming talks and 231 talks in the archive. Galois groups and monodromy in algebraic geometry
Bounded cohomology and wreath products of groups
Why Condensed Mathematics is Better Than Topology
Batyrev Mirror Symmetry
Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Introduction to Algebraic Topology
The McKay correspondence and GIT
Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Variations on a theme: Symplectic Geometry from Hamilton to Floer
Gotzmann's persistence theorem for smooth projective toric varieties
Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Introduction to Profinite Groups
Homological finiteness conditions for totally disconnected locally compact groups
Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Algebraic Geometry in the wild
Degenerating line bundles on curves
Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry
Double ramification cycles in the punctured setting
Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Introduction to Bestvina--Brady Morse theory
An introduction to SYZ mirror symmetry for hypersurfaces
One of many possible introductions to symplectic geometry
Dynamical portraits of rational functions
Degenerations and expansions, and a trip to the tropics
On acylindricity of outer automorphism group of non-solvable Baumlag-Solitar groupsNote unusual time & venue
Hyperbolic subgroups of type FP_2(Ring)Room changed
Floppy symmetries of derived categories
Hofer geometry at large
Algorithmic classification of surface homeomorphisms
Elliptic surfaces and Brauer-Manin obstructions
Tangents to the Nodal Cubic
Fine compactified universal Jacobians and their cohomology
An introduction to Floer theory
Cone types of geodesics and quasigeodesics in groups
What does the A2 singularity have in common with an octopus? 🐙
Ends of groups and related invariants
De Rham cohomology: from smooth algebraic varieties to dagger geometryRoom changed
Varieties under cut and pasteRoom changed
Loewner-Kufarev Evolutions
An introduction to Persistent Homology
Building blocks of buildings
Mikhalkin’s curve-counting formula for P^2
Representation Theory - Introductory lunchtime talk
A mirror symmetry conjecture
Analysis of PDEs - Introductory lunchtime talk
Profinite rigidity among free-by-(finite cyclic) groups
The topology of moduli spaces
Non-Hausdorff Manifolds: Trick or Treat?Note special date and venue
Geometric Group Theory - Introductory lunchtime talk
Lagrangian Isotopy Problems in Symplectic Topology
Symplectic Topology - Introductory lunchtime talk
Algebraic Geometry - Introductory lunchtime talk
Exceptional Geometry in Seven Dimensions
Arithmetic Geometry - Introductory lunchtime talk
Spaces of diffeomorphisms and embeddings of high-dimensional manifoldsNote unusual time
Invariants of Legendrian Isotopies as Communication of Geometry and Algebra
Stability conditions on free abelian quotients
On Banach’s isometric subspaces problem
Profinite Groups and Graphs
Fukaya categories of singularities on quotient spaces
A train track journey on surfaces towards laminations
Splitting detection in groups, and the connectivity of limit set complements
The metric geometry of Lagrangian submanifolds
Homology gradients of Bestvina--Brady Groups
Adiabatic degeneration and Non-Abelianization
Separability and combinations of quasiconvex subgroups
Groups Acting Acylindrically on Trees
Milnor's construction of exotic 7-spheres
Introduction to Orbifold Gromov-Witten Theory
An introduction to condensed mathematics
Understanding automorphisms through actions on trees
Group cohomology, BNS invariants and subgroup separability
Cube complexes for the uninitiated
Some moduli spaces for curves of genus 1 and 2
Curve counting and tropical geometry
Configurations, scanning and planetary systems
Compactifying Jacobians
Localization theorems in Kähler geometry
Mapping class groups of h-cobordant manifolds
Floer homology and Hofer metric
Diffeomorphism groups of connected sums of S^n x S^n
A short introduction to non-archimedean geometry
SCL: Searching for surfaces in groups
Title to be confirmed
Random Walks on Lie Groups and Diophantine Approximation:
Comparing non-archimedean and logarithmic mirror families
Knot projections in 3-manifolds other than the 3-sphere
Mapping class groups of high dimensional manifolds
Introduction to the Teichmuller space
Quadratic Differentials, Spectral Networks and Non-Abelianization
A cubical Rips construction
Enumerative geometry and Kontsevich's formula for counts of rational curves in a plane
A proof of Gromov Non-Squeezing with implicit atlases
Homological Lagrangian Monodromy
Quantised differential calculus and Hilbert transform
Thin right-angled Coxeter subgroups of some uniform arithmetic lattices
Cohomology of configuration spaces of surfaces as mapping class group representations
A proof of Donaldson's Theorem
Floer Homology of Lagrangian Intersections
Weinstein Handlebodies for Compliments of Smoothed Toric Divisors
Holomorphic curves in Symplectic Topology
Proving homological stability of families of groups
Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology, Kan we build it?
The boundary rigidity problem
Homological Berglund-Hübsch mirror symmetry for curves
Exotic negatively curved manifolds and their symmetries
Tangent Cones and Minimal Hypersurface Singularities
Introduction to the Minimal Model Program
The discrete bordism category in dimension 1
Constructing representations for braid groups
Instanton Floer homology, the Alexander polynomial, and moduli spaces of rank 2 stable vector bundles
Decorated moduli spaces of manifolds
A brief introduction to Lorentzian Geometry, general relativity and black holes
Poincare duality groups and actions on trees
Projective twists in a plumbing configuration of projective spaces
Consequences of non-positive curvature
What is a relatively hyperbolic group?
Four Manifolds and two complexes with finite fundamental group
From Formal to Actual Fibrations
Characteristic Classes of Fibrations
Title to be confirmedNote we are not in MR13
Qualitative Counting Closed Geodesics
TQFTs, Skein Modules and Knots in 3-Manifolds
Sarkisov links in classification of Fanos
Geometric Invariant Theory and Moduli Problems
Introduction to Geometry and Topology at DPMMS
Expanders via actions on manifolds
When is a manifold a fiber bundle over the circle?
Symplectizations and foliations in embedded contact homology
Periods of tropical K3 hypersurfaces
Alternating quotients of right-angled Artin groups
Symplectic topology of some surface singularities
Operads with homological stability and infinite loop space structures
Hodge structures through Topological Quantum Field Theory
An outline of how manifolds relate to algebraic K-theory
Isoperimetric Inequalities and Geometric Flows
A global approach to equivariant homotopy theory
Morita Theory in Stable Homotopy Theory
Detecting the Thurston norm via twisted Reidemeister torsion
Gromov-Witten Invariants and Quantum Cohomology
Introduction to Lagrangian Floer theory
Finding distinguished metrics on manifolds
Introduction to the Farrell-Jones conjecture
Train tracks, curves and efficient position
Topological Incarnations of the Arf invariant
Lagrangian branes and symplectic methods in generalised complex geometry
Heegaard Floer and Embedded Contact homology, an introduction
A theorem of Kontsevich on graph complexes and some applications in topology
The Allen-Cahn construction of minimal hypersurfaces
Skein algebra, 3-manifolds and categorification
Moduli Spaces of Manifolds
Heegaard Floer correction terms, semigroups, and plane cuspidal curves
Configuration Spaces of Graphs
Calderon problem for Yang-Mills connections
Classifying spaces of categories and topological monoids
Hamiltonian group actions on symplectic 6-manifolds
Symplectic resolutions of Higgs Bundles
The Alexander polynomial, its categorification and gluing
Application of Persistent Homology to Biological Networks
Causality in Lovelock theories of gravity
Gluing asymptotically cylindrical Calabi-Yau threefolds: or, how seven dimensions are easier than six
Gromov-Witten invariants and point constraints
On the wrapped Fukaya category of the 4-punctured sphere
Introduction to anabelian geometry
Frobenius manifolds and isomonodromic families of connections
Einstein structures on manifolds and orbifolds
An introduction to knot contact homology
Generalised Geometry and Dorfman Brackets
Laurent phenomenon and symplectic cohomology
The Auroux-Kontsevich-Seidel criterion
Homological Stability of Moduli Spaces of High Dimensional Manifolds
Symplectic reduction and stability of points
In quest for a non-formal G_2 manifold
Cobordism maps in link Floer homology and reduced Khovanov homology
An introduction to Ricci solitons
"O Volvox, how dost thou turn thyself inside out?"
Geodesic networks in the Sphere
Periods in the classical and super setting
Deformations of asymptotically cylindrical Cayley submanifoldsNote the room change to MR14.
Introduction to homological stability
Cones and fibrations in the theory of K-stability
An introduction to Floer simple manifolds, taut foliations and a possible connection between them
Axial Discs on Homogeneous Lagrangians
Limiting Carleman weights and related inverse problems
The Alexander polynomial as a Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant
Topological Methods in Contact Dynamics
The moduli space of Ricci flat Kähler metrics
Stability of twisted constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics
Deformations of link homologies
Gromov-Witten invariants in Algebraic Geometry
Grassmannians and Period Mappings in Derived Algebraic Geometry
An introduction to the LMMP in positive characteristic
Alexander polynomials for tangles
The non-existence of a Kähler-Einstein metric on CP^2 # (- CP^2) via toric geometry
Analytic and algebraic aspects of moduli problems
An introduction to sutured Floer homology
Distinguishing Clifford and Chekanov Lagrangian tori in $\C^2$ and $\CP^2$ via count of J-holomorphic discs.
Mirror symmetry and cluster algebra
Gromov-Hausdorff limit of smooth projective varieties
Tropical invariants through mirror symmetry
An introduction to spatial graph theory
An introduction to K-stability
A Hitchhiker's guide to Shimura Varieties
CscK-metrics and projective embeddings
From Lagrangian tori to Helices via string theory on Gorenstein toric singularities
What a Higgs bundle is - and why you should care
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
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