Eiko Yoneki
Name: | Eiko Yoneki |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Tue Feb 11 08:28:54 +0000 2025 |
Public lists managed by Eiko Yoneki
Talks given by Eiko Yoneki
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Eiko Yoneki
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Eiko Yoneki actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Title to be confirmed
- On PCIe Performance
- Exploring the Web Frontier
- Even Faster VM Networking with Virtual Passthrough
- Systems Software for The Machine
- A First Look at the Internet Usage Context of Indigenous U.S. Populations
- The Internet as your killer ICN use case
- Content search and availability estimation in mobile opportunistic networks
- Cluster management at Google with Borg
- Credit Cycle and Efficient Market Hypothesis - a practical point of view
- FlowWatcher: Preventing Data Disclosure Vulnerabilities in Web Applications
- No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance
- Pro-Diluvian: Understanding Scoped-Flooding for Content Discovery in Information-Centric Networking
- Durability and Access Control for Scalable Distributed Filesystems
- Reaching reliable agreement in an unreliable world
- Clean Application Compartmentalization with SOAAP
- Universal laws and architectures: theory and lessons from brains, nets, hearts, bugs, grids, flows, and zombies
- Routes and Interconnectivity: An Internet Trend and an Architectural Proposal
- Unobtrusive Smartphone-based Mobile Health Systems: Experiences with Biological Rhythm Monitoring
- Trust in Networks and Collaborating Networked Systems
- IX: A Protected Dataplane Operating System for High Throughput and Low Latency
- Next-generation data-parallel dataflow systems
- The vision for a Data Transparency Lab
- Life out on the Savannah... Formal Models meet Mixed-Reality Systems
- Rethinking State-Machine Replication for Multicore Architectures
- Title to be confirmed
- Summaries on mobile phones: Context learning and data simplification
- Analytics on Graphs with a Trillion Edges
- Title to be confirmed
- Copy Content, Copy Friends: Studies of Content Curation and Social Bootstrapping on Pinterest
- Online Reputation Management: Estimating the Impact of Management Responses on Consumer Reviews
- The SAFE Network from First Principles
- Musketeer: all for one, one for all in data processing systems
- Title to be confirmed
- Queues don’t matter when you can JUMP them!
- Saber: Line-Rate Stream Processing on Heterogeneous Architectures
- On Factors Affecting the Usage and Adoption of a Nation-wide TV Streaming Service
- Rumors, cascades and word of mouth: observing virality on Facebook
- Aestheticodes: Beautiful Interaction
- Computers, Clocks and Network Time: Everything you never wanted to know about time
- Title to be confirmed
- GraphChi and GraphChi-DB: large-scale graph computation on just a PC
- Advanced Physical Layer Techniques for Wireless Multihop Networks
- Computational Privacy: On the privacy-conscientious use of metadata
- First Impressions on the State of Cellular Data Connectivity in India
- CELAR+SCAN: Moving HPC to the cloud
- Life in the Slow Lane
- Title to be confirmed
- Bridging the gap between networking and end-host computing
- Holistic GC: Coordinating Garbage Collection across Rack-scale Systems
- A random walk through open data and more
- End-to-End Performance Isolation through Virtual Datacenters
- A Look at the Consequences of Internet Censorship Through an ISP Lens
- 1) Mining Users' Significant Driving Routes with Low-power Sensors 2) DSP.Ear: Leveraging Co-Processor Support for Continuous Audio Sensing on Smartphones
- The Wireless Ecosystem – An ICT4D Perspective
- Modelling a Community's Health and Mobility Patterns with Mobile Phone Data
- Faithful Reproduction of Network Experiments
- A crowdsourced approach for mobile sensing: How distributed data mining meets mobile devices
- NetCheck: Network Diagnoses from Blackbox Traces
- The Architecture of Innovation: Tracking Face-to-Face Interactions with UbiComp Technologies
- Ideas for the FireBox Software Stack
- Title to be confirmed
- Modeling, Specifying, and Verifying X86 Hardware and Software
- Consistency and Reliability in Cloud-backed Storage Systems
- Beyond X-Stream
- Better Strategies for Data Collection in Sensor Networks
- Network-Design Sensitivity Analysis
- Daily Habits of Happy People: Accelerometers
- Sampling Theory of Large Graphs
- Title to be confirmed
- Enriching Electronic Textbooks
- Title to be confirmed
- Incoming.tv - Improving User Experience of Mobile Video through predictive prefetching
- AWARE: Human & Social Context For Wellbeing
- Engineering a Market: Concepts and Research on the HAT
- Vehicular App Development: Opportunities and Challenges
- The CHERI capability model: Revisiting RISC in an age of risk
- Unsynchronized Visual Communication
- I'm the repro man: a rant and some incremental improvements on reproducibility in systems research
- Branch Consistency or how to design a version controlled database
- From Big Data to banality of evil : toward an epistemological approach to ethics in Internet Era
- Examining Region-Specific Third-Party Web Tracking Services
- Title to be confirmed
- The story of figure 12b - trials, terrors and tribulations in applied systems research
- (How) can we secure Internet routing?
- Title to be confirmed
- Measuring and Analyzing Online Advertising
- Cosmic Rays Don't Strike Twice: Understanding the Nature of DRAM Errors and the Implications for System Design
- Recommending Investors for Crowdfunding Projects
- Babel -- a modular routing protocol
- The State of the Art in (Linux) Congestion Control
- A new open and flexible way to test next-generation (OpenFlow) switches
- Impact of Social Mapping in OpenStreetMap
- FaRM: Fast Remote Memory
- A Cyber Security Lab: from teaching, to a security evaluation platform, to a novel configuration management paradigm?
- Enhancing Network Structure to Increase Resilience and Survivability
- Source-sensitive routing
- Security-Oriented Analysis of Application Programs
- Title to be confirmed
- User-level networking: The hard problems
- Approximate Bayesian Computation and Complex network models
- Grappa: Scale-out Performance on Commodity Hardware for Irregular Applications
- What makes mobile apps tick? lessons learned in collaborative app analysis
- Callisto: Co-scheduling Parallel Runtime Systems
- IOFlow: A Software-Defined Storage Architecture
- Smartphones, Crowds, and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems
- Exploiting (Commercial) Hot-Spots for Device-to-Device Communication
- Urban Technologies: Feeling your emotions
- Towards Programmable Wide-Area Virtual Networks
- Adaptive and Resource-Efficient Rural Area Networks
- Integrating Scale Out and Fault Tolerance in Stream Processing using Operator State Management
- Eliminating Network Protocol Vulnerabilities Through Abstraction and Systems Language Design
- Geo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement
- Anomaly Detection in the Field
- Naiad: A Timely Dataflow System
- ParkSense: A Smartphone Based Sensing System For On-Street Parking
- How to improve performance of ad-hoc networks?
- Very high speed networking in VMs and bare metal
- Impact of Social Mapping in OpenStreetMap
- Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité: Regain control over your end systems
- Reaping the Benefits of Partial SDN Deployment in Enterprise Networks
- Curing discontent in online content acquisition
- Towards Efficient Traffic-analysis Resistant Anonymity Networks
- Integrating Scale Out and Fault Tolerance in Stream Processing using Operator State Management
- The neighbourhood game
- Interdependence and Predictability of Human Mobility and Social Interactions
- SPOC: GPGPU Programming with OCaml
- An Objective Measure of Network Resilience
- Moana: A Case for a Global Information Network
- Chatty Tenants and the Cloud Network Sharing Problem
- Information and Communications Technology for Development: Current Trajectories
- Interdependence and Predictability of Human Mobility and Social Interactions
- Cluster management at Google
- On the efficient implementation of large round-robin arbiters
- Can we leverage a Software Defined Networking (SDN) approach on Video streaming to benefit both the Network and its Users?
- Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
- Toward an Atlas of the Physical Internet
- Rethinking the Stack for Distributed Runtime Systems
- Title to be confirmed
- Multipath? What multipath? Positioning and communication using low frequency magneto-induction
- METIS: Exploring mobile phone sensing offloading for efficiently supporting social sensing applications
- Analysing co-installability of software components
- Productive parallel programming with Unified Parallel C
- Unikernels: Library Operating Systems for the Cloud
- The Role of Initial Experience in the Design of Inclusive User Interfaces
- Not just Pi in the sky: low-tech solutions for social innovation
- The charge of the light cyber brigade?
- New paradigms in complex networks science: time dependence, networks of networks, spatial features, multiplexity
- Internetworking with DTN
- Analysis of metrics for large graphs via approximate Bayesian computation with application in higher order graphs
- Dynamic flow algorithms for real-time evacuation guidance
- Towards the Profiling of Twitter Users for Topic-Based Filtering + Collaborative Filtering For Recommendation
- LCD-Net: Lowest Cost Denominator Networking - Enabling donated lunches in the Internet
- Information theoretic view on Privacy preservation
- Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary
- Fast run-time type checking for whole programs
- Applying Pervasive Positioning for Crowd Behavior Recognition and Eco-Feedback
- Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Discovery Mechanism for Frequency Allocation
- Breaking for Commercials: Characterizing Mobile Advertising
- Naiad: a system for incremental, iterative and interactive parallel computation
- Deduplication in VM Environments
- The seven deadly sins of cloud computing research
- From geek-dream to mass-market: Will privacy-preserving technologies ever be adopted?
- Distributed, Real-Time Bayesian Learning in Online Services
- Towards productive parallel programming: Unified Parallel C
- Urban*: Crowdsourcing for the good of London
- Study of Twitter unfollow behavior
- Rapidly deployable TDMA mesh network with application to disaster management
- Making Middleboxes Someone Else's Problem: Network Processing as a Cloud Service
- Title to be confirmed
- The Importance of Being Placefriends: Discovering Location-focused Online Communities
- Architectures for large-scale continuous data management
- Title to be confirmed
- Connecting the Disconnected
- Title to be confirmed
- Human Mobility Characterization from Cellular Network Data
- Optimizing multi-layered networks with long range dependent traffic
- Code-Level Formal Verification for Large Real Systems
- Towards Trustworthy Embedded Systems
- Generalizing Database Architecture
- Energy Debugging in Smartphones
- Sense and Sensibility in a Pervasive World
- Lock Inference in the Presence of Large Libraries
- The Quest for Zero-Effort Indoor Localization
- Attacks and defenses in decentralised botnets
- Economics of BitTorrent Communities
- Facebook and Privacy: The Balancing Act of Personality, Gender, and Relationship Currency
- Title to be confirmed
- Exploiting the Structure of Human Mobility for Opportunistic Networks
- The SUDOKU Coding Project
- : Auralist: Introducing Serendipity into Music Recommendation
- Title to be confirmed
- A JVM for the Barrelfish Operating System
- Towards Statistical Queries over Distributed Private User Data
- ThinkAir: Dynamic resource allocation and parallel execution in cloud for mobile code offloading
- YouTube Around the World: Geographic Popularity of Videos
- Real-time verification with bigraphs with sharing
- Title to be confirmed
- A Scalable Approach for Managing Unstructured Information
- OFLOPS: An Open Framework for OpenFlow Switch Evaluation
- Bridging the Tenant-Provider Gap in Cloud Services
- Don't kill my ads! Balancing Privacy in an Ad-Supported Mobile Application Market
- Rethinking file systems
- Control and Understanding: Owning Your Home Network
- So you want to do a PhD (you think)...
- Title to be confirmed
- Analysis of the call group structure in the BT call records dataset
- On User Availability Prediction And Network Applications
- IPv6 Transition and IPv4 address sharing mechanisms
- Experiments with dynamic networks of virtual routers
- Real-Time and Real Trustworthiness: Timing Analysis of a Protected OS Kernel
- Quantifying Location Privacy
- Linked Data infrastructures for HE
- Reflections on the Long-term Use of an Experimental Digital Signage System
- Towards a Highly Available Internet
- Linked data infrastructures for HE or Web Science research and linked open data infrastructures
- Software Bloat: A systems' perspective
- Software Bloat: A systems' perspective
- Why Johnny Can't Use the Cloud: And What We Can Do about It
- Netmap: a novel framework for high speed packet I/O
- Our Twitter Profiles, Our Selves: Personality and Use of Language
- Twitter bots
- Energy-Efficiency in Cloud Computing Data Centers
- A New Vision for Core Router Architectures
- SociableSense: Exploring the Trade-offs of Adaptive Sampling and Computation Offloading for Social Sensing
- Efficient Photonic Coding: a Considered Revision
- Insomnia in the Access or How to Curb Access Network Related Energy Consumption
- Evaluation of Network Resilience and Survivability: Analysis, Simulation, Tools, and Experimentation
- Twitter bots
- Exploiting Temporal Complex Network Metrics in Mobile Malware Containment
- Networks in Natural Language Processing
- On the social scientific value of transactional data
- Workflow Management (plus potential recruiting for a startup I'm doing in silicon valley)
- Group Processes and Local Network Dynamics
- Hybrid binary rewriting for memory access instrumentation
- Condensing the cloud: running CIEL on many-core
- CIEL: a universal execution engine for distributed data-flow computing
- Improving Content Delivery Networks by Tracking Geographic Social Cascades
- Promoting location privacy... one lie at a time
- Media landscape in Twitter: A world of new conventions and political diversity
- Running dynamic algorithms on static hardware
- The Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer Prototyping Platform and Home Heating Control using Occupancy Prediction
- Mathematical models of rumour spreading in complex social networks
- Title to be confirmed
- Query Planning in Data Streaming
- Virtualisation in the Network
- Is Content Publishing in BitTorrent Altruistic or Profit-Driven?
- Toward Power-aware Networking
- The CamCube project: Rethinking the data center cluster
- Mining Public Transport Usage for Personalised Intelligent Transport Systems
- Workshop on the Future of Social Networking: Experts from Industry and Academia
- Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice of Internet Routing
- Recommending Social Events from Mobile Phone Location Data
- Multi-relational Organization of Large-scale Social Networks in an Online World
- Understanding Cyberattack as an Instrument of U.S. Policy
- Discrete Gene Regulatory Networks: A novel approach to configuring sensor network operation
- Routing in Equilibrium
- Adapting and assembling components using Cake, a language of interface relations
- A mobile context monitoring platform for PAN-scale dynamic mobile computing environments
- Predicting Faults in Heterogeneous, Federated Distributed Systems
- Talk1: EmotionSense: A Mobile Phones based Adaptive Platform for Experimental Social Psychology Research, Talk2: Energy-Accuracy Trade-offs in Querying Sensor Data for Continuous Sensing Mobile Systems
- Towards deeply publish/subscribe-based Web
- Clouds on the Horizon: Challenges in Building the Next Generation of Computing Infrastructure
- Digital Moon and the Challenges of Whole Planet Modeling
- Programming models for the Barrelfish multi-kernel operating system
- A Spark in the Cloud: Iterative and Interactive Cluster Computing
- Sending software to space: a bundle of fun
- Beyond The Digital Delusion: A Case for Lossy Preservation
- From Herding Sheep to Herding Cats: Balancing Compliance and Innovation in the Modular Age of the Internet
- Title to be confirmed
- Sensing and Visualizing Social Context from Physical Proximity
- A Socratic method for validation of measurement-based networking research
- Seamless Clock Synchronization under Migration
- DEFCon: High-Performance Event Processing with Information Security
- PSIRP: Information-centric Networking
- Title to be confirmed
- Anzere: replication policy scaling for personal storage networks
- NetSci Conference - Discussion
- From RPC to Web Apps: Trends in Client-Server Systems
- Selective Reprogramming in Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Heuristic and Hybrid Hash-based Approach to Fast Lookup
- EndRE: An End-System Redundancy Elimination Service for Enterprise Traffic
- Experiences of Designing and Deploying Intelligent Sensor Nodes in Construction Sites
- Detecting Temporal Sybil Attacks
- Operational Refinement of Image Processing (ORIP)
- Performance Monitoring in Service Provider Networks
- An information-centric transport protocol
- How Google Tests Software
- Detecting Sybil attacks and recommending social contacts from proximity records
- Title to be confirmed
- BlogLearn: A Framework for Analytics over Corporate Blogs
- Dynamic Filtering: Multi-Purpose Architecture Support for Language Runtime Systems
- Using Program Behaviour to Exploit Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures
- Building & running your own web 2.0 service: experience from a local startup
- Separating inter-domain routing and forwarding
- Routing Fairness in Chord: Analysis and Enhancement
- Optical Communications for Data Centres and High Performance Computing
- Community detection algorithms: a comparative analysis
- Bringing network coding into the network
- A Bit of Network Information Theory
- Coded Wireless Video Broadcast/Multicast - A Framework To Harvest The True Potential Of 4G Access Networks
- Security Architectures for Distributed Social Networks
- Title to be confirmed
- Internet Optometry: Assessing the Broken Glasses in Internet Reachability
- Title to be confirmed
- Saving the world, one handset at a time
- Title to be confirmed
- Microeconomic Modeling of Incentives for Managed Overlays
- Content Centric Networking
- A Dirty-slate Approach to Routing Scalability
- Triangular clustering in document networks
- Motivating Future Interconnects: A Differential Measurement Analysis of PCI Latency
- Motivating Future Interconnects: A Differential Measurement Analysis of PCI Latency
- The Multikernel: A new OS architecture for scalable multicore systems
- RouteBricks: Exploiting Parallelism to Scale Software Routers
- TDMA For Long Distance Wireless Networks
- FreeBSD support for Stanford NetFPGA
- Addressing the Scalability of Ethernet with MOOSE
- Mini-Course on Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks
- SIGCOMM 2009 Keynote Talk: Internet of Ideas
- A Queue with Multiple Stable Regions
- Ethernet Evolution from 1990 to Today
- Observed Relationships between Size Measures of the Internet or Is the Internet really just a star network after all?
- Biowire Workshop (Day 2/2)
- Biowire Workshop (Day 1/2)
- Stochastic Networks Workshop
- Crowdsourcing Network Monitoring
- Baggy Bounds Checking: An Efficient and Backwards-Compatible Defense against Out-of-Bounds Errors
- Mobile Agent Electronic Triage Tag
- Online Social Networks and Applications: a Measurement Perspective
- The many uses of write off-loading
- The Nitty Gritty of PhD Work
- ClackPointSocial: Audio/Video Collaboration for OpenSocial
- PeerSoN: Privacy-Preserving P2P Social Networks
- Systematic Testing for Dynamically Updatable Software
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- Delivery Properties of Human Social Networks
- Delivery Properties of Human Social Networks
- A Runtime System for Software Lock Elision
- Pointless Tainting? Evaluating the practicality of pointer tainting
- Hybrid DTN-MANET routing in Highly Dynamic Ad-hoc networks
- ROAR: Increasing the Flexibility and Performance of Distributed Search
- Juggling with IPTV… or A GMPLS infrastructure for a better multicast IPTV network
- Securing Virtual Machine Monitors: What is Needed?
- MobiRate: Making Mobile Raters Stick to their Word
- Title to be confirmed
- Persistent Content-based Information Dissemination in Hybrid Vehicular Networks
- Wireless Networks: Overcoming the Challenges, Leveraging the Opportunities
- IRONModel: robust performance models in the wild
- Wedge: Splitting Applications into Reduced-Privilege Compartments
- How to do a Systems PhD
- DryadLINQ: distributed data-parallel computing using a high-level language
- Deadlock Immunity: Teaching Systems How To Defend Against Deadlocks
- Inter-domain rendezvous
- Spread-Spectrum Computation
- Using Fair DHTs for Location Aware Service Discovery
- Optimal probing for packet networks through Design of Experiments for Markov Chains
- Optimizing network connectivity for vehicles
- Sensing, Understanding and Modelling People using Mobile Phones
- Usage of FPGA for Passive Network Monitoring
- Can I be your disruption-tolerant friend?
- On Low Dimensional Random Projections and Similarity Search
- Geosensor Networks: State of the Art
- Mobicom Rehearsal Day
- A talk about XenoTiny
- Entropy Rate of Diffusion Processes on Complex Networks
- Moving WSN Programming Abstractions into the Real World
- Social-based Code Dissemination in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
- Social networking 2.0: Cityware for Facebook
- Reusing legacy device drivers in an L4-based microkernel environment
- Deep in the Shadows: Implementation & Applications of Shadow Page Tables
- Efficient Node Discovery in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
- Virtually Saving the Planet
- A Weighted Spectrum Metric for Comparison of Internet Topologies
- Epidemic Streaming: the story so far
- Preventing memory error exploits with WIT
- Stabilizing Internet Routing: or, A Story of Heterogeneity
- Varnish -- programming like it is 2008
- Thoughts on an Identifier/Locator Split for IPv6
- Improving Xen Security through Disaggregation
- Scheduling for multi-carrier wireless systems
- Perceptually motivated playout delay adaptation algorithm for VoIP network
- Web Programming with Links: Theory and Practice
- Genomic principles for feedback regulation of metabolism
- Renewable Energy in Data Centres
- Scaling Internet Routing with Legacy Protocols
- Camel: Paravirtual memory CoW in Xen
- No Seminar
- A Security Architecture for Wireless Medical Sensor Networks
- All about Xen
- Isolating Untrusted Extensions in a Multiserver Operating System
- Peer Dragnet: Tool for Analyzing Peer's Route Announcements and their Impact
- Synchronization in Complex Modular Networks
- Validating Degree-Based Topology Generators
- No Seminar
- A Machine Learning Approach for Efficient Traffic Classification
- Graph Edge Colouring Problems Arising from Optical Network Design