Counting the entropy of any causal horizon
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ian A. Morrison.
Jacobson and Parentani argued that the laws of thermodynamics apply universally to all causal horizons in spacetime, where a causal horizon is the boundary of the causal past of a timelike curve of infinite proper length in the future direction. I will describe investigations into the microscopic kinematics of the entropy of causal horizons based on a description of spacetime that is atomic on Planckian scales and in which causal structure is still meaningful. I will describe an atomically defined quantity—which bears analogy with the “mutual information”—arising from the partition of spacetime into two by the causal horizon. The proposal is that this quantity ``accounts for’’ the horizon entropy in the same sense that the number of molecules in a gas accounts
for the entropy of the gas. I will present numerical evidence for the proposal.
This talk is part of the DAMTP Friday GR Seminar series.
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