Categorical dynamics
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Paul Seidel (MIT)
Thursday 14 June 2012, 17:00-18:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ivan Smith.
The automorphism groups of categories arising in algebraic and symplectic geometry have recently received renewed attention. We focus on the
“continuous” rather than the “discrete” part. For a Riemann surface of genus at least two, this recovers the Jacobian (as a commutative algebraic group). In symplectic geometry, one expects a substantial connection with Hamiltonian dynamics, for a specific class of symplectic manifolds (mapping tori). However, there are serious foundational issues still to be dealt with, which have to do with the fact that automorphism
groups are “global” rather than “infinitesimal” objects. I will tell you pretty much all I understand about this (still embryonic) field.
This talk is part of the Mordell Lectures series.
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