University of Cambridge > > Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers  > Formalising Brauer Group and Group Cohomology in Lean4

Formalising Brauer Group and Group Cohomology in Lean4

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The concept of Brauer Groups, originally developed to classify division algebras, has now found many uses in scheme theory and class field theory. Brauer Groups over a field k is defined as the collection of central simple algebras over k modulo certain equivalence relations and this project is set out to formalise the correspondence between the Brauer groups and the second Galois cohomology groups Br(k) ≅ H²(Gal(k_sep/k) , k ⃰_sep). In this talk, we give a complete formalisation between the relative Brauer group of a finite dimensional field extension Br(K/k) and the second group cohomology H²(Gal (K/k) , K ⃰) as the first step.


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This talk is part of the Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers series.

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