University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Friday GR Seminar > On the Relation Between Asymptotic Charges, the Failure of Peeling and Late-time Tails

On the Relation Between Asymptotic Charges, the Failure of Peeling and Late-time Tails

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Prahar Mitra.

In this talk, we show that the late-time tails of gravitational radiation depend crucially on the conformal regularity of future null infinity $\mathcal{I}$: The stronger the violation of peeling near $\mathcal{I}$, the slower the decay at late times. This correspondence is made precise by introducing the modified Newman—Penrose charges, which are conserved along $\mathcal{I}$. By then considering a physical setup of N infalling masses, and by relating the structure of their gravitational radiation near the infinite past to that near $\mathcal{I}$, we show that the peeling property indeed fails, and, as a consequence, obtain late-time tails that decay two powers slower than the well-known Price’s law rates.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Friday GR Seminar series.

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