University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Friday GR Seminar > Rotating black holes in Randall-Sundrum II braneworlds

Rotating black holes in Randall-Sundrum II braneworlds

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Justin Ripley.

The Randall-Sundrum II (RSII) model is 5d theory that is a possible candidate for an extra dimension in our Universe. It is extraordinary in that the extra dimension is infinite in extent, but heavily warped, so that at low energies the effective theory of gravity on a 3-brane on which matter is restricted is still 4d general relativity. Firstly, we’ll review how this apparent 4d behaviour on the brane arises and also discuss how the RSII model is related to the AdS/CFT correspondence. We’ll then discuss the numerical method used to find rotating black hole solutions in the RSII model. We’ll see that at finite size these black holes have a slightly different induced metric on the brane to the Kerr metric, though tending towards Kerr as they become very large. We’ll discuss how these differences may provide a future possibility of testing and constraining a Randall-Sundrum extra dimension by making measurements of rotating black holes in our Universe.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Friday GR Seminar series.

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