HoD Secretary, DPMMS
Name: | HoD Secretary, DPMMS |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Mon Mar 03 15:59:50 +0000 2025 |
Public lists managed by HoD Secretary, DPMMS
Talks given by HoD Secretary, DPMMS
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by HoD Secretary, DPMMS
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that HoD Secretary, DPMMS actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- Partial Differential Equations: Oxbridge PDE Conference
- Algorithmic stability for regression and classification
- The cutoff phenomenon for random walks
- Screwball Conjectures in Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology
- Functions with no critical points
- Ramsey theory: searching for order in chaos
- When is a mathematical object well behaved?
- Matrix Concentration and Free Probability
- Waring's problem with restricted digits.
- Equidistribution and reciprocity in number theory
- A new coefficient of correlation
- About random objects in the continuum
- Counting graphic sequences
- Counting graphic sequences
- Mental Health, Self-Care and Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversity (GSRD)
- Preparing for Family Leave - Workshop
- Bayesian inference in infinite dimensions
- SPACE – Supporting Parents and Carers @ Cambridge
- Return from Family Leave - Workshop
- Kirsty Wayland Memorial Disability Lecture: Widening Access to Higher Education with Lecture Recordings
- Resampling methods for networks
- Infinite Maker-Breaker games
- The 17th Annual DRC Disability Lecture
- Divisor distribution of random integers.
- The singularity probability of a random symmetric matrix is exponentially small
- Demystifying Deep Learning
- ** POSTPONED ** Linear configurations containing 4-term arithmetic progressions are uncommon
- The dimension of the divisibility order
- Infinitely Edge-Connected Graphs
- Induced Poset Saturation
- Induced Poset Saturation
- Anti-concentration of Rademacher sums
- Anti-concentration of Rademacher sums
- Distribution dependent SDEs driven by additive continuous and fractional Brownian noise
- A Pact With Reason
- Distance sets: the problems of Erdös and Falconer
- K3 surfaces versus cubics
- `Slow chaos' in surface flows
- Screwball Conjectures in Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology
- Distributed Statistics à la Economics
- Simplicity and Complexity of Belief-Propagation
- Communication in the presence of sparsity
- An effective criterion for periodicity of l-adic continued fractions
- Automorphism groups of homogeneous structures with stationary weak independence relations
- Graphons, Tao's regularity and difference polynomials
- Approximate groups and projective geometries.
- The free Banach lattice generated by a Banach space
- [Special Statslab Seminar] Scalable methods for machine learning optimisation
- [Special Statslab Seminar] Scalable stochastic optimization and large-scale data
- Categorical Symplectic Topology Conference
- Number Theory and Dynamics Conference 2019
- Joinings of higher rank diagonalizable actions
- Triangle factors in random graphs
- Discriminants: an interplay between algebra, combinatorics and geometry
- When Statistics Meets Computing
- Combinatorics of the tree amplituhedron
- Regularity of interfaces in phase transitions via obstacle problems
- Cohomology of the moduli space of curves
- Equidistribution of divergent orbits in the space of lattices
- Various speakers
- British Algebraic Geometry meeting (BrAG)
- British Algebraic Geometry meeting (BrAG)
- British Algebraic Geometry meeting (BrAG)
- Tutte Centenary Conference
- Complex dynamics and elliptic curves
- Coarse embeddability of the Hilbert space into Banach spaces and Metric interpretation of asymptotic properties of Banach spaces
- Standard subspaces
- Geometric aspects of Statistical Learning Theory
- Distorting Banach spaces
- Discrete minimisers are close to continuum minimisers for the interaction energy
- Short Course: Lecture 2 - Sample Covariance Operators: Normal Approximation and Concentration
- Short Course: Lecture 1 - Sample Covariance Operators: Normal Approximation and Concentration
- The ABC Conjecture
- Weighted information and weighted entropy
- Nonabelian Poincare Duality
- Why Mathematical Proof?
- Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial Time II. -- Emergence of the Johnson Graphs
- Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial Time I. -- Local Certificates
- Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial Time I. -- Local Certificates
- Signal Recovery from Scattering Convolutional Neural Networks
- Signal Recovery from Scattering Convolutional Neural Networks
- A glimpse of the mathematics of Bill Tutte, the greatest codebreaker of WWII
- Title to be confirmed
- Geometry and topology of the zero set of monochromatic random waves
- Emerging applications of homogeneous flows: From discrete mathematics to statistical physics
- Geometry and topology of the zero set of monochromatic random waves
- Statistical Laboratory Open Afternoon
- Isolated hypersurface singularities and symplectic geometry
- Combinatorial Tangle Floer homology
- Random walk on the random graph
- A case of the dynamical André-Oort conjecture
- The full extremal process of the discrete Gaussian free field in 2D
- The solution of the Kadison-Singer Problem
- Recent applications of a rigorous renormalisation group method to critical phenomena
- Recent applications of a rigorous renormalisation group method to critical phenomena
- On Talagrand's convolution conjecture in Gaussian space
- On a simple model of deposition
- Conformally invariant loop measures
- Planar maps, circle patterns, conformal point processes and 2D gravity
- Planar maps, circle patterns, conformal point processes and 2D gravity
- The maximal particle of branching random walk in random environment
- An afternoon of talks exploring the links between classical information theory, probability, statistics and their quantum counterparts.
- The ternary Goldbach conjecture
- A brief (pre)history of perfectoid spaces
- EPSRC Visit - Early Career and Impact Sessions
- Min-max Theory and Geometry
- Peter Whittle Colloquium
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- The SL(2,R) action on Moduli space
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- Statistics of Philip Dawid
- Random Subgraphs of some Distance Graphs
- Random Subgraphs of some Distance Graphs
- Title to be confirmed
- Regularity of optima transport maps and applications
- Wildness in geometric groups
- Counting automorphic forms
- Combinatorial theorems in sparse sets
- Title to be confirmed
- Shock formation for 3-dimensional wave equations
- Formation of trapped surfaces in general relativity
- Random Surfaces and Quantum Loewner Evolution
- Title to be confirmed
- the genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan
- Recent progress in multi-type WR models
- Statistical Laboratory Open Afternoon
- Mathematics of John Thompson Conference on Finite Groups and related topics
- Mathematics of John Thompson Conference on Finite Groups and related topics
- The Mathematics of John Thompson Confernece on Finite Groups and related topics
- Mirror symmetry and cluster algebras
- On Sudakov's type decompositions of transference plans with norm costs
- Another approach to analytic number theory
- Putting life into numbers - how statistical science has transformed health care
- Virtual classification of hyperbolic 3-manifolds and applications
- Title to be confirmed
- What’s happening to the world?
- Numbers are weapons: a self-defence guide
- Failings in hierarchies of evidence for controversial health-policy decisions
- Cambridge Statistics Initiative One-Day Meeting 2013
- Robust calibration of models in finance
- Semiregularity as a consequence of Goodwillie's theorem
- Cohomology of diffeomorphism groups
- Cobordisms of sutured manifolds
- An arithmetic refinement of homological mirror symmetry for the 2-torus
- The structure of approximate Abelian groups
- Automorphic forms and the p-adic Langlands correspondence
- Finite range decomposition of free fields
- Title to be confirmed
- Beyond i.i.d. in Information Theory Workshop - 8th January - 11th January
- Hunting down the Black Swan: Correlation, Contagion & Endogenous Risk in Financial Markets
- Statistical Laboratory Open Afternoon
- Another natural random triangulation of the disk
- Analytical and Combinatorial Problems via Probability
- Critical 2-dimensional Ising model: local statistics and combinatorics via dimers
- Algorithmic Barriers from Phase Transitions
- On the relation of random unitary matrices and zeta function zeros
- Speed of random walks
- Cover times, blanket times, and the Gaussian free field.
- Critical Temperature of Periodic Ising Models
- Mixing times are hitting times of large sets
- Unbiased Shifts for Brownian Motion
- CSI Special One-Day Meeting
- Additive Models for Quantile Regression: Model Selection and Confidence Bandaids
- Old and new results on stationary tessellations
- An afternoon of Mathematics and Biology
- The branching Brownian motion seen from its tip
- An Introduction to High-Dimensional Problems, Sparsity and Oracle Inequalities
- Discrete complex analysis and probability
- Discrete complex analysis and probability
- Asymptotic behaviour of near-critical branching Brownian motion
- Percolation of random interlacements under small intensities
- Learning rates in Bayesian nonparametrics: Gaussian process priors
- Learning rates in Bayesian nonparametrics: Gaussian process priors
- A Bayesian nonrandom walk through the world of the queues
- Parameter Estimation for Rough Differential Equations
- Refined and enhanced FFT techniques, with applications to pricing barrier options and their sensitivities
- Kuwait lecture - The structure of large graphs
- Local semicircle law and level repulsion for Wigner random matrices
- A new combinatorial method for calculating the moments of Lévy area
- Stochastic Financial Models - Optional Economics Brief
- On the mixing time of random conjugacy walks
- Towards a (rough) pathwise theory of fully non-linear stochastic partial differential equations"
- Bayesians turn to Experts for Advice!
- Stochastic modelling in Biology
- Theoretical properties of Cook's Principal Fitted Components algorithm
- Chance is a Fine Thing
- Low Regularity Solutions of the KdV Equation / The Kakeya Problem & Arithmetic Combinatorics
- Random planar curves and conformal invariance
- The mathematics of making a mess