Regularity of the Boltzmann Equation in Bounded Domains
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Ariane Trescases, ENS Cachan
Monday 29 June 2015, 15:00-16:00
CMS, MR13.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Amit Einav.
n the case of a strictly convex domain, the singularities happen specifically on the (grazing) boundary: in this case, with the help of a “kinetic” distance towards the grazing boundary, we prove a result of Sobolev regularity for the solution. In the case of a non-convex domain, the singular trajectories cross the domain and the singularity is therefore more serious: in this case we obtain the BV regularity of the solution. These are optimal results for regularity.
This work is a joint work with Yan Guo, Chanwoo Kim and Daniela Tonon.
This talk is part of the Partial Differential Equations seminar series.
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