Nonparametric estimation of the division rate of a size-structured population
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Richard Samworth.
We consider the problem of estimating the
division rate of a size-structured population in a
nonparametric setting. The size of the system evolves
according to a transport-fragmentation equation: each
individual grows with a given transport rate, and splits
into two offsprings of the same size, following
a binary fragmentation process with unknown division rate
that depends on its size. In contrast to a deterministic
inverse problem approach, we take in this paper the
perspective of statistical inference: our data consists in
a large sample of the size of individuals, when the
evolution of the system is close to its time-asymptotic
behavior, so that it can be related to the eigenproblem of
the considered transport-fragmentation equation. By
estimating statistically each term of the eigenvalue
problem and by suitably inverting a certain linear
operator, we are able to construct a more realistic
estimator of the division rate that achieves the same
optimal error bound as in related deterministic inverse
problems. Our procedure relies on kernel methods with
automatic bandwidth selection.
This talk is part of the Statistics series.
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