Probing CP Violation with Kinematic Reconstruction at the LHC
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Steve Chun Hay Kom.
I will dicsuss the potential to observe CP-violating effects in SUSY cascade decay chains at the LHC . Asymmetries composed by triple products of momenta of the final state particles are sensitive to CP-violating effects. Due to large boosts these asymmetries can be difficult to observe at a hadron collider. If all particle masses in a cascade decay are know, it may be possible to reconstruct the decay chains on an event-by-event basis even when we have missing momentum due to the LSP . After the reconstruction, the CP violating signal gets significantly enhanced and an observation may become feasible. The most important background and experimental effects have been included. I will show examples for light squarks and stop decay chains and a possible signal in Higgs boson decays.
This talk is part of the HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar series.
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