Stochastic Financial Models - Optional Economics Brief
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The subject of mathematical finance can both be better understood, and related to the way the economy, and especially markets operate, with an appreciation of the economic issues involved.
This seminar, as an optional session will explain, from a pure economics and finance viewpoint what markets are, how they operate, and how that relates to some of the criteria upon which the models in the course are either built or dependent.
Economics is a broad field, and some background in the subject not merely helps with the stochastic modelling course, but also to see where the methods developed in the course can be applied in areas other than finance.
It is expected to take around about 90 minutes. There will be time for questions afterwards, and if requested, an insight will be given on the current financial crisis and its repercussions.
Lecture Notes may be downloaded from here
This talk is part of the Statistics series.
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