A Bayesian approach to network modularity: inferring the structure and scale of modular networks
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Zoubin Ghahramani.
We present an efficient, principled, and interpretable technique for
inferring module assignments and identifying the optimal number of
modules in relational data. Our approach is based on a generative
model equivalent to an infinite-range spin-glass Potts model on the
irregular lattice defined by a given network; the problem of
identifying modules is then tantamount to inferring posterior
distributions over both the latent module assignments (i.e. spin
states) and the model parameters (i.e. coupling constants) while also
identifying the number of modules (i.e. number of occupied spin
states) in the network. Using the variational Bayes framework we
derive a mean-field free energy, the minimization of which provides
controlled approximations to the distributions of interest. We show
how several existing methods for finding modules can be described as
variant, special, or limiting cases of our work, and how related
methods for complexity control—identification of the true number of
modules—are outperformed. We apply the technique to synthetic and
real networks and outline how the method naturally allows for model
selection among competing network models.
This talk is part of the Machine Learning @ CUED series.
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