Canonical dimension estimates for p-adic Lie groups
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Christian Johansson
Wednesday 12 October 2016, 16:30-17:30
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Christopher Brookes.
Let G be a compact p-adic Lie group with Iwasawa algebra R over Qp. Any finitely generated R-module M has an invariant, called its canonical dimension, which equals the dimension of the support of M if G is commutative. Ardakov and Wadsley proved that if the Lie algebra of G is split and semisimple, there is a nontrivial constant C=C(G) such that any
module with dimension less than C has dimension 0. I will talk about how to remove the condition that the Lie algebra of G is split, and also detail my
motivation for thinking about modules over Iwasawa algebras. This is joint work with Konstantin Ardakov.
This talk is part of the Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar series.
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