University of Cambridge > >  Dimer observables and Cauchy-Riemann operators > Dimer observables and Cauchy-Riemann operators

Dimer observables and Cauchy-Riemann operators

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  • UserA series of six lectures by Julien Dubédat
  • ClockFriday 20 May 2016, 11:00-12:30
  • HouseCMS MR5.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Berestycki.

A series of six lectures by Julien Dubédat will take place between 16-20 May. For full details see webpage

The dimer model is a fundamental example of exactly solvable planar statistical mechanics, due to its determinantal structure discovered by Kasteleyn. In the bipartite case, it corresponds to a height function which converges (in the appropriate phase) to the Gaussian Free Field, as shown in pioneering work of Kenyon. In this series of lectures, we consider further aspects of the scaling limit, that are suggested by (but not derivable from) the GFF invariance principle; the main point of view is that of families of Cauchy-Riemann operators.

Outline of lectures: Solvability and combinatorial aspects of the dimer model. Elements of discrete complex analysis. Singular observables and their scaling limits. Double-dimer observables and tau-functions.

This talk is part of the Dimer observables and Cauchy-Riemann operators series.

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