Compact moduli spaces of Fano varieties and existence of singular Kahler-Einstein metrics
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Cristiano Spotti (Cambridge)
Wednesday 05 November 2014, 14:15-15:15
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. J Ross.
The set of KE/K-polystable Q-Fano varieties is expected to form a “nice” compact moduli space. After discussing some explicit examples of these moduli spaces in dimension two and stating a more precise conjecture about what should hold in higher dimension, I will describe some current work, joint with Song Sun and Chengjian Yao, about the existence of singular KE metrics on Q-smoothable K-polystable Q-Fano varieties, with applications to the structure of the moduli near singular varieties.
This talk is part of the Algebraic Geometry Seminar series.
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