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University of Cambridge > Talks.cam > BSS Formal Seminars > Chemotaxome – A new member with complex biological entities in systems biology.
![]() Chemotaxome – A new member with complex biological entities in systems biology.Add to your list(s) Download to your calendar using vCal
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Alessio Zaccone. Sequence of cell-physiological responses arranged via axis of cell adhesion – chemotaxis – phagocytosis, embodies one of the most fundamental elements of functional biology. Migratory responsiveness of cells is in the focus of the matrix describing the interaction of the three components and provides characteristic links between the members of the system. Integrated cellular, biomaterial and functional complexity of the system justify the description of ’Chemotaxome’ as a new member of ’Class Omes’, which recommendation is supported by different levels of systems biology. The most significant components of the network are summarized in the next points: (i) potential for migartion is a basic, however, individual entity of prokaryotic (bacteria) and eukaryotic cells (i.e. ciliates, amoebas, sperm, WBCs etc.) belonging to different taxa (Taxonome); (ii) itself chemotaxis/chemokinesis represent a characteristic type of cell biological responses and covers a wide scale of responses in healthy tissues/individuals (i.e. fertilization, differentiation of tissues, angiogenesis) as well as in pathological cases (i.e. inflammation, metastasis formation) with a special respect on the clinical approaches of the field (Functiome); (iii) classes of signalling molecules (i.e. chemokines, formyl peptides as well as non-professional chemoattractants) are required for chemotaxis, while chemotaxis receptors (i.e. FPR , CCR, CXCR ) and their intracellular signalling pathways have unique sensitivity towards to the triggering chemoattractant (Ligandome, Regulome, Interactome, Proteome-Glycome-Lipidome); genetic determination of all the interacting components mentioned above are coded in the DNA of the cell (i.e. IL-8 – 4q13-q21; IL-8R – 2q35-2q36.1) (Genome); while complex relations of molecular genetic backgrounds and phylogenetic approaches (i.e. amino acids of prebiotic soup; chemotactic selection) are belonging to the molecular aspects of evolution (Phylogenome). Glory of the field is gained from a list of famous researchers of post and present (Leeuwenhoek, Engelmann, Pfeffer, Metchnikoff and Adler) who contribute with novel theoretical (i.e. bacterial network of Che peptides) and practical parts (i.e. new assays; molecular genetic evaluation) of the field. On the basis of the above described system a complete and extensive, Chemotaxome specific network of informatics (sequence-structure-expression-pathway-regulation) could be also designed with a high significance in respect of citation of chemotaxis and its scientific synonyms in contrast other, non chemical stimuli induced migratory responses. This talk is part of the BSS Formal Seminars series. This talk is included in these lists:
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