University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Astro Lunch > Planet migration in weakly magnetised laminar discs

Planet migration in weakly magnetised laminar discs

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Clement Baruteau.

Planet migration plays a crucial role in shaping planetary systems, and has therefore received a lot of attention in recent years in an effort to compare the statistical properties of observed exoplanets with the predictions of planet formation and migration theories. By modifying the propagation properties of the waves induced by the planet in the disk, the presence of a strong magnetic field can dramatically influence planet migration, in some cases reversing its direction. The more realistic case of a weaker magnetic field is less clear, although turbulent MHD simulations by Baruteau et al (2011) suggest an effect on the corotation torque. We will describe a detailed study of the corotation torque in 2D laminar disks containing a toroidal magnetic field. We performed MHD simulations to study the interaction between the magnetic field and the horseshoe motion of the gas, and found that this results in an additional corotation torque. This additional torque can be strong enough to reverse migration even for a field which pressure is only one percent of the thermal pressure.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Astro Lunch series.

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