Constant mean curvature surfaces with prescribed ideal boundary in negatively curved 3-manifolds.
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Mario Micallef (Warwick)
Monday 25 January 2010, 16:00-17:00
CMS, MR15.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Prof. Neshan Wickramasekera.
I shall describe some existence/nonexistence theorems for constant mean curvature disks and annuli with boundary on the sphere at infinity in hyperbolic 3-space. I shall outline some work of my student Thomas Cuschieri on the continuous dependence of constant mean curvature disks on their ideal boundary. The relation of stability of constant mean curvature surfaces to Yau’s isoperimetric inequality in a negatively curved 3-manifold will also be discussed.
This talk is part of the Partial Differential Equations seminar series.
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