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Cambridge Rare Disease Summit 2017

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Tickets available with discounted rates for students, start-ups and academics.

This day long event seeks to create a forum that brings together patient groups, healthcare, academics, researchers, biotech companies, and the pharmaceutical industry in a spirit of collaboration, innovation and passion to explore our theme : “Re-imagining the Patient Journey” for Rare Diseases

Key speakers: Dr Segolene Ayme – Founder of Orphanet, Dr Bobby Gaspar – GOSH , Dr Ana Mingorance – Dracaena Consulting, Chasing cures for neurological and rare diseases amongst many others. Talks covering gene-editing, pharma/patient grp collaborations to treatments, drug re-purposing and social impact bonds, Mendelian the new rare disease search engine etc

New for 2017: Patient Journey poster gallery – seeking collaborations with pharma, researchers and clinicians

Students4RareDiseases breakout session: for foundation doctors, medics and healthcare professionals in early stage training. A medic’s Rare Disease patient journey, the utility of the diagnosis, red flags and the 100,000 Genome Project

No Isolation breakout session: Norwegian tech company showcase AV1 avatar, designed to reduce the isolation experienced by children with chronic, lifelong illness. See how AV1 can connect and include them.

220+ delegates, excellent networking opportunities followed by a drinks and canape reception in the dining hall on site

This talk is part of the Cambridge Rare Disease Network series.

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