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AI for Inclusive Finance

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Ant Financial is a data-driven technology company. The building and applications of AI platforms are critical for making progress and creating innovations in the field of digital financial services. We have built industry-leading AI platforms including large-scale machine learning/deep learning, search/recommendation/ads, intelligent customer service and intelligent assistant as well as financial business analyses. We will give introductions as well as some technical details to those platforms and their applications in our financial life, including risk control, credit and insurance.

Bio: Alan Qi is the Chief Data Scientist and Vice President at Ant Financial since 2014. Alan built the AI department at Ant Financial and applied machine learning technologies to various business applications, including but not limited to micro-loans, intelligent recommendations, and wealth management. For example, he developed intelligent customer service systems which led to 94% self-service rate in 2015 and saved ~$15 Million for Ant Financial in 2016. Before that he co-founded institute of Data Science and Technologies (iDST) of Alibaba, and built the parameter sever team and developed Alibaba’s first large-scale machine learning platform in 2015. It is widely used at Alibaba (more than 100 systems) such as Singles’ day recommendation system and search Ads (increasing revenue $ >1Billion). This platform won the top technology prize from Alibaba in 2015. Alan obtained his PhD from MIT and was tenured at Purdue University as associate professor in CS and Statistics. He is an associate editor of JMLR and served as area chair of ICML . He received the A. Richard Newton Breakthrough Research Award, and NSF Career award in 2011.

Bio: Le Song is a Principle Engineer at Ant Financial AI Department, and he is also an Associate Professor in the College of Computing, and an Associate Director of the Center for Machine Learning, Georgia Institute of Technology. He developed the first large scale deep learning platform for graph learning and inference at Ant Financial with applications to finance problems such as credit, risk management, micro-loans and insurance. Le received his Ph.D. in Machine Learning from University of Sydney and NICTA in 2008, and then conducted his post-doctoral research in the Department of Machine Learning, Carnegie Mellon University, between 2008 and 2011. His principal research direction is machine learning, especially nonlinear models, such as kernel methods and deep learning, and probabilistic graphical models for large scale and complex problems, arising from artificial intelligence, network analysis and other interdisciplinary domains. He is the recipient of the Recsys’16 Deep Learning Workshop Best Paper Award, AISTATS ’16 Best Student Paper Award, IPDPS ’15 Best Paper Award, NSF CAREER Award’14, NIPS ’13 Outstanding Paper Award, and ICML ’10 Best Paper Award. He has also served as the area chair or senior program committee for many leading machine learning and AI conferences such as ICML , NIPS, AISTATS , AAAI and IJCAI . He is also the action editor for JMLR , and associate editor for IEEE PAMI .

Company Profile: Ant Financial is a technology company that brings inclusive financial services to the world. Ant Financial, officially founded in October 2014, originated from Alipay founded in 2004. With the mission of “bring the world equal opportunities”, Ant Financial is dedicated to creating an open, shared credit system and financial services platform through technology innovations, and to provide consumers and small businesses with safe and convenient inclusive financial services globally.

This talk is part of the Machine Learning @ CUED series.

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