Roth numbers: Upper, lower bounds, and related constructions
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki.
Note: different room, MR20 this time
The maximum number of integers between 1 and n that one can take without creating an arithmetic progression of length 3 might sound like a trivial concern. It is in fact a foundational problem in additive combinatorics.
I will explain how we formalised Roth’s upper bound, Behrend’s lower bound and derived the proof to the Ruzsa-Szemerédi. Finally, I will outline how we will attack the brand new upper bound of Kelley and Meka.
All work joint with Bhavik Mehta.
This talk is part of the Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers series.
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