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Adrian Seminar - "Computational model of rapid learning in hippocampus".

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The formation of memories is a constrained process. First, a memory engram must be created quickly as we often only see a stimulus once, yet can remember it long after. This constraint is commonly referred to as one-shot learning. Second, experimental evidence has shown that the memory engrams we form can be replayed in compressed time. This occurs during sharp wave ripples in the hippocampus which are compressed forms of the spike sequences elicited by external stimuli. Thus, not only can we learn instantly, we can learn in an instantly compressible manner. I will present a computational model where internally generated theta sequences in the hippocampus allow for one-shot, compressible, learning by acting as a compressible temporal backbone for new spike sequences evoked by environmental stimuli.

This talk is part of the Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience series.

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