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![]() Applied and Computational Analysis
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A weekly seminar seires with talks in all areas of applied and computational analysis, of broad interest to the mathematical community. For questions about this series or if you have suggestions, please contact: m.colbrook@damtp.cam.ac.uk If you have a question about this list, please contact: ai10; Carola-Bibiane Schoenlieb; Dr Hansen; A.Shadrin; Hamza Fawzi; Edriss S. Titi; Matthew Colbrook; Nicolas Boulle; Georg Maierhofer. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 7 upcoming talks and 281 talks in the archive. On Curve Approximation over Nonlinear Domains
Numerical analysis of high frequency wave scattering via semiclassical analysis: a case study with non-uniform meshes
Detecting and Attributing Change in Climate and Complex Systems: Foundations, Green's Functions, and Nonlinear Fingerprints
Can Humans Supervise Increasingly Ultracrepidarian AI?
Domain-theoretic Semantics for Dynamical Systems: From Analog Computers to Neural Networks
Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning (with sampling)
Finite Element Exterior Calculus for Hamiltonian PDEs
Singular flows, zeroth order pseudodifferential operators and spectra
Spectral inclusions and approximations of finite and infinite banded matrices
A Converging Discrete Geometric Calculus on the Space of Curves
Efficient Computation through Tuned Approximation
Greedy-LASSO, Greedy-Net: Generalization and unrolling of greedy sparse recovery algorithms
Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems Meet in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces with Insights from Algorithmic Information Theory
Feature Learning in Two-layer Neural Networks: The Effect of Data Covariance
The Algorithmic Transparency Requirement
v Tangent Kernels
Hamiltonian simulation and optimal control
Efficient frequency-dependent numerical simulation of wave scattering problems
Computing lower eigenvalues on rough domains
SINDy-RL: Interpretable and Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
Adaptive Intrusive Methods for Forward UQ in PDEs
SINDy-RL: Interpretable and Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
Towards Finite Element Tensor Calculus
What happens when you chop an equation?
The future of governing equations
Computing the Spectra and Pseudospectra of Band-Dominated and Random Operators
Pseudospectra: Two Different Ways
Numerical properties of solutions of lasso regression
Causal Discovery from Observations: Introduction and Some Recent Advances
Solving partial differential equations exactly over polynomials
Sparsistency for inverse optimal transport
Essential spectra and spectral pollution for Maxwell and Drude-Lorentz systems
R-adaptivity, deep learning and the deep ritz method
Randomized methods for low-rank approximation of matrices and tensors
Low regularity approximations to dispersive equations
Randomized sketching of Krylov methods in numerical linear algebra
Computing eigenvalues of the Laplacian on rough domains
Integral equations for wave scattering by fractals
On the Training of Infinitely Deep and Wide ResNets
Data-driven schemes for high-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDEs
Discrete De Giorgi-Nash-Moser Theory: Analysis and Applications
Attractive-repulsive equilibrium problems via orthogonal polynomials
Hermitian/skew-Hermitian preconditioners for the indefinite Helmholtz equation
Variational Convergence of Liquid Crystal Energies to Line and Surface Energies
The challenge of AI errors and the limitations of training accurate and verifiably stable data-driven AI
Multiply accelerated value iteration for affine fixed point problems and application to Markov decision processes
Gaussian Wave Packet Dynamics in Quantum Dynamics
Convergence analysis of non-stationary and deep Gaussian process regression
Mean field limits for weakly interacting diffusions: phase transitions, multiscale analysis, metastability and inference
Collective dynamics in the social and data sciences
Fluid-boundary interaction: confinement effects, stratification and transport
Nonlinear localization and regularity of solutions of Brinkman-Forchheimer type equations
Nonlinear Waves in Granular Crystals: Modeling, Analysis, Computations and Experiments
Deep Dictionary Learning Approaches for Image Super-Resolution
Evidence for finite dissipation during vortex reconnection
On the derivation of the Boltzmann equation : irreversibility and fluctuations
Sampling and Representation of Stiff ODEs in Large Dimension
Fundamental Barriers in Optimisation, Statistics, and Signal Processing
From the d'Alembert paradox to the 1984 Kato criteria via the 1941 1/3 Kolmogorov law and the 1949 Onsager conjecture.
Deep learning as optimal control problems: models and numerical methods
Local regularity theory for Navier-Stokes equations and Liouville type theorems
On the Development of an Ensemble Data Assimilation and Forecasting System for the Red Sea
Quantum vs. Optical Annealing: Benchmarking the Coherent Ising Machine and D-Wave
Classifying Stroke Using Electrical Impedance Tomography
Coupling of rate-independent and rate-dependent systems with application to delamination processes in solids
PDE continuum limits for prediction with expert advice
An Introduction to Randomized Algorithms for Matrix ComputationsThis is a joint ACA–CCIMI seminar
The rigidity problem for perimeter inequalities under symmetrizationThis is a joint ACA-GAPDE seminar
Particles in Membranes
Generalized Sliced-Wasserstein Distances
Deterministic Solution of the Boltzmann Equation: Fast Spectral Methods for the Boltzmann Collision OperatorThis is a joint ACA-GAPDE seminar
Bayesian inversion for tomography through machine learning
Equilibria configurations for epitaxial crystal growth with adatoms
Image denoising: the man machine contest
Explorative 3D imaging
Ergodic Stochastic Differential Equations and Sampling: A numerical analysis perspective
Low-regularity Fourier integrators for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Norm-Resolvent Convergence in Perforated Domains
Histogram tomography
Cahn-Hilliard inpainting with non-smooth potentials
Some approaches to sparse solutions of linear ill-posed problems
Unbalanced Optimal Transport
Multi-parameter regularisation for solving inverse problems of unmixing problems: theoretical and practical aspects
Geometric Structure of graph Laplacian embeddings
Uncertainty quantification in kinetic equations
Don't go with the Flow - A new tensor algebra for Neural Networks
Infinite-dimensional linear algebra and spectral problems
Numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation with a posteriori error bounds
An adaptive backtracking strategy for non-smooth composite optimisation problems
Improving Generative Adversarial Networks using Game Theory and StatisticsJoint CCIMI-ACA seminar
Recent Results on Multiply Monotone Radial Functions
A brief overview of PDEs on graphs
Nonsmooth optimization based on piecewise linearization
Compression for Smooth Shape Analysis
Generalised Sampling Approximation Theorems
Computing the homology of basic semialgebraic sets
Dispersive Quantization of Linear and Nonlinear Waves
On asymptotic gradient flow structures of PDE models with excluded volume effects
Analysis of p-Laplacian Regularization in Semi-Supervised Learning
Undecidability in geometry and topology
Stable Gabor Phase Retrieval and Spectral Clustering
Computer-assisted proofs for dynamical systems
On the long time stability of travelling wave for the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equations
Many-body localization: How quantum dynamics wins against thermodynamics
Stabilizing unstable flows by coarse mesh observables and actuators - a pavement to data assimilation
Minimal Discrete Energy and Maximal Polarization
Compressive Sensing with Structured Random Matrices
Regularisation by Krylov methods
Undecidability of the spectral gap
On star-symmetric polynomials with classical behaviour
Directional Regularization for Image Reconstruction
Reconstruction methods for sparse-data tomographyJoint ACA-cmih seminar
Vector Riemann-Hilbert problems: methods of Riemann surfaces and automorphic and hypergeometric functions
Sparse recovery by l0 penaltyThis is a joint ACA-CCIMI seminar
The many aspects of super convergence in discontinuous Galerkin schemes
Mathematics of Electron Microscope Tomography
Cross-diffusion systems for image denoising
Fast simplicial finite elements via Bernstein polynomials
Topological data analysis of contagion maps for examining spreading processes on networks
Convergence Rates for Bayesian Inversion
Wave-equation based inversion with constraints
Spectral theory of block operator matrices and applications in mathematical physics
Shape analysis on Lie groups with applications on computer animation
Four perspectives on the numerical solution of PDE-constrained optimization problems
New averaging results motivated by climate models: fat tails, oscillations, and tipping
On the inverse scattering method for integrable PDEs on graphs
Acceleration of alternating minimisations for quadratic + nonsmooth problems
All-at-once versus reduced formulations of inverse problems
High dimensional sparse approximation of elliptic PDEs with lognormal coefficients
Gaussian models for fast synthesis and inpainting of microtextures
How much patience do you have ? Complexity issues in nonlinear optimization
Discrete Varifolds, Point Clouds, and Surface Approximation
On curvature-guided image filtering and its applications to structure+texture image decomposition
Sampling in the 21st century: at the heart of hybrid analogue/digital processing
Efficient Machine Learning for Medical Image AnalysisJoint ACA & Statistical Laboratory seminar
Wavelet decomposition of integral operators: application to real-time l1-l2 deconvolution
Geometric graph-based methods for high dimensional dataThis is a joint GAPDE & ACA seminar
Imaging data from next-generation radio interferometric telescopes with compressive sensing
Complex orthogonal polynomials and a cubic random matrix model
Processing textures in the spectral total-variation domain
Mathematical aspects of collective dynamics and self-organization
Greedy Algorithm for Subspace Clustering from Corrupted and Incomplete Data
A Two-stage Image Segmentation Method using a Convex Variant of the Mumford-Shah Model and Thresholding
Splitting-particle methods for structured population models
Volume-preserving integrators
Computation of water-wave profile: An analytical approach
Multicentric calculus: polynomial as a new variable
Hagedorn wavepackets in phase space
Convex relaxation of a class of vertex penalizing functionals
Inpainting, Segmentation and Free Discontinuity
Nonlocal gradients and fractional PDE
Fast algorithms for matrix completion and compressed sensing
Large Deviation Theory for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Modeling and Computational Aspects
Computing with Fourier series approximations on general domains
Stability analysis for pattern forming systems with slowly evolving base states
Regularization of Inverse Problems with Large Noise
A convex analysis approach to hybrid binary-continuous optimal control problems
A second order multi scale model for image texture analysis
Monge Ampere equations and grid alignment in mesh generation
Computational approaches to coupling geometry and physics on interfaces using surface PDEs
Scattering and Landau damping for the Vlasov-HMF model: mathematical and numerical analysis
How mathematical, physical and physiological modelling can improve the resolution of Positron Emission Tomography?
Low-rank optimization: from differential geometry to recommender systems
Pedestrian dynamics: from mathematical modeling to simulations
Inequalities of Duffin-Schaeffer type in the complex plane
Sparsity constrained inverse problems and applications in MALDI Imaging
Image reconstruction from axially asymmetrically truncated cone beam projections
Diffusion limit for a system of hard spheres
Curvature on graphs: what's behind the bend?
Approximate marginalization of uninteresting unknowns in inverse problems
Inertial primal dual splitting methods
Successes and prospects of geometric numerical integrationAn LMS-NZMS Aitken Lecture
On a well-tempered diffusion
Inversion formulae for the cosh-weighted Hilbert transform
Analysis of some nonlinear PDEs from multi-scale geophysical applications
Some New Results on Approximation with Redundant Dictionaries
News on Variational Regularization of Inverse Problems
Recent Progress in Matrix Functions
Data assimilation as an inverse problem: mathematical theory and computational challenges
Geometric properties of Kahan's method
What is a flutter shutter good for?
The equations of landscape formation: review and a new model
Iterative Algorithms in Compressive Sensing
SURE-based Parameter Selection for Sparse Regularization of Inverse Problems
Constrained image restoration problems
The periodic table of finite elements
High frequency homogenization and asymptotics for waveguides
Can everything be computed? On the Solvability Complexity Index and towers of algorithm.
Variational Models for Image Restoration with Applications in Deformable Registration
Image Inpainting Based Coherence Transport
Nonadditive entropies and thermodynamics - Black holes and other applications
Pseudospectra and finite sections - A survey on the Banach space case
Compressive imaging: Sampling strategies and reconstruction guarantees
Nonlocal interaction PDEs with nonlinear diffusion
Computing the Schrödinger equation with no fear of commutators
Generalized Fast Marching Method and applications
Optimal Newton-type methods for nonconvex smooth optimization
On gradient structures for Markov chains and reaction-diffusion systems
Quantitative Reconstruction in PhotoAcoustic Tomography
The Geometric Separation Problem: Imaging Science meets Compressed Sensing
On an optimal biharmonic solver
Through the Kaleidoscope; Symmetries, Groups and Chebyshev Approximations from a Computational Point of View
How to climb a billion dimensional hill using a coin and a compass and count the steps before departure
Recent advancements in volume-preserving numerical methods for the numerical solution of divergence-free ODEs
Direct simulations of bacterial suspensions
Tug-of-war games and PDEs
A nonlocal mean curvature flow arising in contour regularization
Water waves over highly disordered bottoms
Global minimization for the Chan-Vese model
Eigenvalues, multiplicities and graphs
Keller-Segel, fast-diffusion, and functional inequalities
Numerical optimal control of electrorheological fluids
Variational Relaxations of the Image Partitioning Problem - Models, Optimization and Optimality
Inverse problems for wave propagation in heterogeneous media
Microscopic derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau functional
Discrete geodesic calculus in shape space
Variational Methods for the Solution of Inverse Problems
Asymptotic behaviors and special solutions of the Euler system
Domain-specific languages and code generation for scientific computing
Rate of convergence for random homogenization of fully nonlinear equations
Vortices, rogue waves and polynomials
Some applications of the method of Fokas to linear and nonlinear problems
Basis sets in Banach spaces(Note that this talk has been delayed by 30 mins to allow attendance at Terence Tao's talk at INI)
A variational approach for modelling and simulating electrical circuits
Particle systems and the hydro limit of the Ginzburg–Landau modelNote that this seminar, although at INI, is part of the ACA seminar series
Optimal control of variational inequalities arising in flow of viscoplastic materials
A nonlinear discretization theory with applications to meshfree methods
A stochastic min-driven coalescence process and its hydrodynamical limitNote that this seminar, although at INI, is part of the ACA seminar series. Also, note the new title.
Doubly-periodic monopoles, and triply-periodic generalized skyrmions
Optimal control of variational inequalities arising in flow of viscoplastic materials
A pseudospectral method for surface Navier–Stokes equations
Forced hyperbolic systems and self-sustained shock waves
Soliton solutions of discrete and continuous (2+1)-dimensional integrable systems: resonance, web structure and combinatorial algebraic geometry
Noise-induced phenomena in nonlinear systems and their control
On the transonic limit of the Gross–Pitaevskii equation
Multiple components configurations in continuous stellar dynamics
Asymptotics of the spectral norms of some interesting matrix sequences
The stability analysis of surface water waves
Obstacle type problems : An overview and some recent results
Numerical solution of Riemann–Hilbert problems, Painlevé transcendentals, oscillatory integrals and oscillatory ODEs
Analytical and computational methods for l_1 and total variation minimization (with applications in Image Inpainting and Compressed Sensing)
Blow-up in multidimensional aggregation equations
Accuracy enhancement and filtering of discontinuous Galerkin solutions: Theory, computation and applications
Wavelets and Differential Operators: From Fractals to Marr's Primal Sketch
Small Dispersion Limit of the Camassa-Holm Equation
Kinetic Models of Dilute Polymers: Analysis, Approximation and Computation
Matrix models for beta-ensembles
Central-Upwind Schemes and Applications
Analysis and computation of Navier–Stokes equation in bounded domains
Radial basis functions for solving partial differential equations
Alpha sub-grid scale models of turbulence and inviscid regularization
Towards adaptive numerical integration of dynamical contact problems
Kepler, Newton and Numerical AnalysisThis talk will be of wide interest to all those interested in history of mathematics and astronomy and in the way they impact on modern computational practice
Geometric numerical integration of differential equations
Dynamic stability of wavetrains behind invasion in reaction-diffusion equations
A Second-Order Positivity Preserving Central-Upwind Scheme for Chemotaxis and Haptotaxis Models
Coupling kinetic and fluid equations: some ideas about the theory and the applications
Mathematical modelling for medicine, sports, and the environment(This is a joint seminar with Fluid Dynamics)
Singular solutions of a modified two-component shallow-water equation
Inverse scattering for the Camassa-Holm hierarchy
Regularity, complexity, and approximability of electronic wavefunctions
Spectral theory of large finite directed graphs
"Initial-boundary-value problems for nonlinear wave equations"
Regularization of inverse problems: convergence analysis, new applications
Automatic edge detection in the chebfun system
Adaptive evolution and concentrations in parabolic PDEs
Computational high frequency waves in heterogeneous media
From conceptual to computational harmonic analysis and backThis event is sponsored by the Leverhulme Trust
Compressive sampling
Entropies and equilibria for many-particle systems
Oriented and nonoriented director fields for liquid crystals
Global existence versus blow-up for the 2D Smoluchowski-Poisson model
Cubature on Wiener space; high order methods for solving the PDEs of Finance
Fast diffusion, a theory between Analysis, Physics and Geometry
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsAndrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2013 St Catharine's Lecture Series Babbage Lecture SeriesOther talksThe role of the oculomotor system in visual attention and visual short-term memory Magnetic microscopy of meteorites: probing the magnetic state of the early solar system Art speak I And You: Documentary As Encounter 160 years of occupational structure: Late Imperial China and its regions An SU(3) variant of instanton homology for webs Formation and disease relevance of axonal endoplasmic reticulum, a "neuron within a neuron”. EU LIFE Lecture - "Histone Chaperones Maintain Cell Fates and Antagonize Reprogramming in C. elegans and Human Cells" Horizontal transfer of antimicrobial resistance drives multi-species population level epidemics Graded linearisations for linear algebraic group actions NatHistFest: the 99th Conversazione and exhibition on the wonders of the natural world. |