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![]() Cavendish HEP Seminars
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This seminar series is on experimental, phenomenological and theoretical aspects of High Energy Physics. It is usually held during term-time on Tuesdays at 11am in the Ryle Seminar Room (Rutherford Building) of the Cavendish Laboratory. If you have a question about this list, please contact: Alexander Mitov; Dr Bill Balunas; Dr Steve Dennis; Dr Steve Dennis; Dr. Aashaq Shah; Dr Paul Swallow. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 2 upcoming talks and 354 talks in the archive. Influence of gravity on atomic interferometers
Past, present and future involvement in the ATLAS experiment
The Proton EDM experiment
GScan’s industrial tracker system for the muon tomography applications
2HDM+a and mono-Higgs at ATLAS
Aspects of Leptogenesis: from the low to the high scale
Latest results from the Forward Search Experiment (FASER) at the LHC
New measurement of the K+ → π+ν¯ ν decay by the NA62 Experiment
3 Flavour Oscillation Results from NOvA with 10 Years of Data
Summer Student Talks Part 2
Summer Student Talks Part 1
Heavy Neutral Leptons and Slow-Moving Particles at ATLAS
Exploring the Performance of the CODEX-b Detector
Low-Energy Excess Results from MicroBooNE
The MUonE Experiment: Understanding Muon g−2 Puzzle via Muon- electron Scattering
The ALPHA axion dark matter experiment
Experimental status of exotic spectroscopy (and thoughts on the future)
BREAD: Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection
Prototyping the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
The Modelling of LHC Collisions in PYTHIA - Physics and Uncertainties
PUEO and Ultra High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy
Overview and Status of the 2x2 NDLAr Demonstrator: A Pixel-Based LArTPC Prototype for the DUNE Near Detector
An Experimental and Phenomenological dissection of heavy quark decays into light leptons
A Clue to the Mystery of Dark Matter: Direct Searches with LZ and XLZD
Physics for Sustainable Development
Jet Propulsion: Advancing the performance and understanding of hadronic objects in ATLAS for Run 3
How To Upgrade A Hardware Trigger
Mixing and CP violation in open-charmed beauty decays
Where’s SUSY? The electroweak SUSY landscape after ATLAS Run 2 searches
Taking Physics Forward with FASER
Not all hopes for new physics die immediately
Measurement of the Pion Charge-Exchange Differential Cross Section on Argon with the ProtoDUNE Detector
The Climate Emergency: can Particle Physics ever be sustainable?
Simulating Collision Events on a Quantum Computer
The Force Aweakens: searching for new sources of CP violation in the electroweak sector
Beauty meson to double charm decays at LHCb
HHarmony in Bb — the present and future of ATLAS DiHiggs(4b) searches
High-precision measurement of the W boson mass with the CDF II detector
Extending the leading direct dark matter searches to lighter particles
Heavy quark fragmentation: why, how, and where to?
Custom Orthogonal Weight functions (COWs) - an improved event weighting procedure for removing background from signal.
Rare neutral current decays of b quarks at LHCb
Vector Boson Scattering to Unravel EWSB and probe BSM physics
Evidence is all you need: Nested Sampling for particle physics
Applications of Timepix technology for Beam Instrumentation at CERN
Exploring the Unknown with Higgs Boson Pairs
Properties of the Higgs boson: A decade of Higgs measurements with the ATLAS detector
Machine Learning - the future of particle physics?
Time-dependent and rare probes of the Standard Model: status at Belle II
QED and hadronics in B->Kll et al
The search for exotic long-lived particles: illuminating a blind spot of the LHC programme
Optical Stochatic Cooling of Electrons -- Maxwell's Demon goes optical!
The upgrade of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the High-Luminosity LHC
Precision Physics with Polarised W-bosons at the LHC
Colour meets Flavour: QCD contributions to the decay of heavy hadrons
When in a hole, stop digging: searching for long-lived particles at LHCb
Exploring the lifetime frontier: the MATHUSLA detector proposal
From SCT luminosity to compressed SUSY
Unbiased Elimination of Negative Weights in Monte Carlo Samples
Recent tests of lepton flavour universality at LHCb
Event-shape variables and alpha_s determinations using the ATLAS detector
Testing Bell Inequalities at the LHC
Rare B-meson decays to muons at the LHCb experiment
NLO QCD corrections to diphoton-plus-jet production through gluon fusion at the LHC
SUSY wanted - dead or alive
Colliders and Cosmic Origin Stories
Interpreting LHC data using the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
Neutrino Oscillation: The Long and the Short of It
FASER: Commissioning of a not-so-large LHC experiment in search for new physics in far corner
BSM physics with b-quarks
Discovering partonic rescattering in light nucleus collisions
AION: Probing fundamental physics with atom interferometry
Electroweak measurements and measurement of the W boson mass with the LHCb detector
Measurements of angular distance and momentum ratio distributions in three-jet and Z + two-jet final states in pp collisions
Searches for New Physics with Top Quarks at ATLAS: A review from LHCP and beyond
Precise measurement of the fs/fd ratio of fragmentation fractions and of B0s decay branching fractions
Lepton Flavour Universality - measuring BR(W->τν)/BR(W->μν) at the LHC
Overview of quark gluon tagging
Probabilistic definition of the perturbative theoretical uncertainty from missing higher orders
Recent advances in the modelling of ttW at the LHC
Probing the neutrino mass: latest results from KATRIN
Quantum computing for simulating high energy collisions
Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays
The Many Challenges of FCC-ee
Combination of Heavy Resonance Searches
Belle II – first results from a new flavour physics experiment
Does SUSY have friends? A new approach for LHC analysis.
Latest neutrino-argon scattering measurements from MicroBooNE
The electron-ion collider: A collider to unravel the mysteries of visible matter
Simulating and unfolding LHC events with generative networks
Prospects for the Detection of Solar Neutrinos in DARWIN via Elastic Electron Scattering
Muon g−2 and Δα connection
AI for physics & physics for AI
Infrared renormalons in top-mass sensitive observables and kinematic distributions at the LHC
MAGIS-100: Large Baseline Atom Interferometery Systematics and their Mitigation
Theory predictions for polarized weak bosons at the LHC
Studies on exotic hadrons at LHCb
The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions
Quantum Computing and High-energy physics
Evidence for Higgs boson decay to a pair of muons
RPV and long lived SUSY
The low energy electronic recoil excess observed in the XENON1T experiment
Measurement of VH,H->bb processes at low and high transverse momenta at ATLAS
Cosmic Ray Muography
Building blocks for scattering amplitudes and cross sections
Dual readout calorimeters for future e+e- colliders
Neutrinos from Tokai to Kamioka: Oscillations, Interactions and the search for CP-Violation
Extracting the most from collider data with deep learning
Searching for Dark Matter with the LZ experiment
DUNE - Precision Neutrino Physics of the Future
91 GeV revisited: the compelling case for 5 x10^12 Z^0's
Updated angular analysis of the decay B0→K*0(→K+π−)µ+µ−
(Precision) New Physics searches within the LHC dataset
Search for new physics with kaons at NA62 and beyond
Dark matter searches with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
The CMS High Granularity Calorimeter Upgrade
Overview of ATLAS jet measurements
Searches for lepton flavour violation in B decays with the LHCb experiment
Di-Higgs at the LHC: A Window on our Universe and BSM New Matter
Properties of Particle Fluxes in Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Recent theory developments in simulations for heavy flavour processes at the LHC
Not Yet Finding Third Generation Supersymmetry
The puzzle of dark matter: missing pieces at the LHC?
Parametrising proton structure for LHC Monte Carlo simulations
New physics and tau g − 2 using LHC heavy ion collisions
ARIADNE: bringing a game changing optical readout to two phase LAr TPCs
Beyond the Energy Frontier: the changing eras of LHCb
Search for Sterile Neutrinos in MINOS and MINOS+ Using a Two-Detector Fit
Insights into the logarithmic accuracy of parton showers
Learning from the Lund plane
Not a jet all the way: discovery prospects using substructure
Charming mixing and CP violation measurements at LHCb
Search for lepton flavour universality violation in B+→K+ℓ+ℓ− decays at LHCb
Analysis recasting for fun and profit
The new g-2 experiment at Fermilab
ATLAS Trigger Level Analysis
Fits to top data in the SMEFT
New frontiers in LHC discovery strategies
SBND -- a state of the art Liquid Argon TPC for Neutrino Physics
Illuminating Antimatter: the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment at CERN
The precision siege of nature: theory, accelerators, and detectors
Reading charcoal: Using HEP detectors to decipher papirii
Jets for the LHC and beyond
3-body B decays
nuCSI: Neutrinos Leave No Shadows
Status and Prospects for Vub measurements
Searches for invisible decays of the Higgs Boson with ATLAS
A particle physicist's experience at the NASA Frontier Development Lab
Hunting ultra high energy neutrinos with the ANITA experiment
Image analysis for cancer treatment
Vector Boson scattering at the LHC (Theory)
On determinations of the strong coupling constant from hadronic data
The XYZ-files: Exotic states in the heavy quarkonium spectrum
Pixels detectors in particle physics and beyond
The MMHT view of the proton
The rich structure of the Underlying Event: what we learnt from the Large Hadron Collider Run I and II?
Neutrino Interferometry for High-Precision New Physics Search with IceCube
ProtoDUNE: prototyping the ultimate medium–high energy (MeV – GeV) neutrino detector
Measurements of Neutrino Oscillations by MINOS and MINOS+
Developments in Radiotherapy
Deep & Heavy: Using machine learning for boosted resonance tagging and beyond
GENIE plan for global tunes for future Long baseline experiments
Calorimetry at a Future Linear Collider
Precision calculations for high-pT dark matter searches
Results of the COHERENT experiment
Forward heavy quark production and the structure of the proton
Volcanoes and other things that go boom... applications of muon tomography
Future prospects for LHCb
Recent results from Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment and their implication on the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly
Direct neutrino mass determination with the KATRIN experiment
The CERN CLOUD experiment: overview and recent results
Physics with photons in ATLAS: Standard Model and beyond
Strongly-Interacting Dark Matter and Neutrino Astronomy
LHCb: a general purpose detector in the forward region
Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program at Fermilab
The LHCb Upgrade and Flavour Physics Prospects
CANCELLED (Searches for exotic physics with photons in ATLAS)
Dark Matter Searches at CMS
PRaVDA project for Proton Computed Tomography
Tests of lepton universality in B decays
The NEXT neutrinoless double beta decay experiment
Recent results from the T2K experiment on CP violation in the lepton sector
New frontiers in PDF determinations: NNPDF3.1
Using Truth to find Beauty: Measuring CP-violation in b-hadron decays using top quarks collected by the ATLAS detector
Measurement of jets with SISCone and anti-kt algorithms with data from the OPAL experiment at LEP
One year on: LIGO and the detection of gravitational waves from binary black holes
Ratio measurements at ATLAS: More sensitivity to constrain Parton Distributions
The Higgs pt spectrum with finite top mass
History, status, and future perspectives of glueballs
LHC Event Generation with Herwig 7: Status and Prospects
Multivariate Visualisation and Searches for a Z’ decaying to Leptons at CMS
LHCb combination of the CKM angle gamma
Top quark effective theory in the LHC era
The importance of electroweak corrections at high energies
Studying the QGP with heavy flavours and quarkonia
Searching for Sterile Neutrinos with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope
R&D at Fermilab: Accelerators Towards Precision Neutrino Experiments and Quantum Sensors of the “Dark” Sector
Calorimetry with humans: measuring delivered dose in radiotherapy treatment of cancer
Searches for Sphaleron: LHC vs. IceCube
DUNE: The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
Low-energy resonant neutrino processes
Status and prospects of the NA62 experiment
Electroweak physics in the forward region
Bottom-quark mass effects in bbH production
Recent results and prospects of charm physics at LHCb
Matching the Nagy-Soper parton shower at next-to-leading order
Looking out for new physics through the top window
Detection of the missing Universe with xenon.
Discovery through precision: perturbative QCD at the dawn of Run II
The status of EWK SUSY searches at ATLAS and future prospects
Drell-Yan Production at NNLL'+NNLO Matched to Parton Showers
Inelastic proton-proton cross section at 13 TeV
A general subtraction scheme for NNLO computations in perturbative QCD
A search for diboson resonances at ATLAS using boson-tagged jets
Modern event generation for the LHC: Features and caveats of Sherpa
Looking for a hidden sector in exotic Higgs decays with the ATLAS experiment
Displaced decays of a SM-like Higgs boson
Search for the associated production of Higgs bosons and top quarks at sqrt(s)=7-8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at LHC
Light stops, kinematic variables, and gaps from LHC Run I
Energy peaks and future progress on the top quark mass measurement
Ultrasonic gas mixture analysis for Cherenkov Refractometry and coolant leak hunting in silicon trackers.
Analysing data with fake lepton backgrounds
Theory Uncertainties in LHC Higgs Production and N3LO QCD
Composite leptoquarks and anomalies in B decays
The Top/Higgs gateway to new physics
Looking for hot physics in ultracold places
Closing in on the tip of the CMSSM stau-coannihilation strip
Ds meson spectroscopy at LHCb
Measuring the Bs mixing phase at LHCb
Test of Lorentz and CPT violation with neutrinos
Resolving the Tevatron top quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry puzzle
Progress on long-distance singularities in gauge theory scattering amplitudes
A Measurement of ZZ Production with the ATLAS Detector
Neutrino Oscillation with the T2K Experiment: Recent Results and Beyond
Use of computational techniques from particle physics to improve radiotherapy treatment of cancer
The hunt for Dark Matter: First results from the LUX Experiment
Electroweak production measurements in the forward region
The GHOST Project: Study of Late Toxicity of Radiotherapy Treatments Through Simulation of Dose Deposition in Patients
The Higgs is here, and now what?
Searching for weakly produced supersymmetric particles using the ATLAS detector at the LHC.
Exploring new physics in the Top quark sector with the Compact Muon Solenoid
The IceCube high energy neutrino events: has neutrino astronomy finally arrived?
The NA62 experiment at CERN: recent results and prospects
Jet Vetoes and Azimuthal Decorrelation at ATLAS
Special Seminar: Threshold Resummation in QCD vs SCETPlease note unusual date
Probing the Quark-Gluon Plasma - recent results from ALICE at the LHC
Detector challenges at CLIC, contrasted with the LHC case
Signatures of Naturalness at the LHC
Multivariate Visualisation and Searches for Lepton Jets at CMS
Jet Origins and Structure for New Physics Searches with ATLAS
Measuring the Top Quark Mass at the LHC with Applications to New Physics
Future High Energy Electron-Proton Scattering: The LHeC Project
Shedding light on Dark Matter at CMS using monojets
Future High Energy Electron-Proton Scattering: The LHeC Project [Postponed]
V+jets Ratios and the Search for New Physics in ATLAS
DEAP/CLEAN-ing Dark Matter: the Search for Direct Detection with Liquid Argon
Boosted Jets in searches for New Physics
Prospects for NNLO measurements using jets at the LHC
Counting Dark Matter particles in LHC events
First Results from the T2K Experiment
Searches for CP violation in charm decays at LHCb
Introduction to ARC Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale
Improved measurement of the electron EDM
Recent Results from the ATLAS Experiment in Searches with Tau Lepton Final States
Supersymmetric flavour problem and supersymmetric spectrum
First Neutrino Oscillation Results from T2K.
Gauge Boson Ratios and New Physics in ATLAS - POSTPONED
Searching for third generation scalar Leptoquarks at the LHC
Recent results in single top physics
Measurement of the neutral D meson mixing parameters at the BaBar experiment
Gravitational wave searches - status and plans
SUSY Monojets at the LHC
(Talk postponed until 2011)
The possible impact of astrophysical observations on LHC physics
Supersymmetry with a large reheating temperature
The Properties of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and the problems that these pose
The NOvA Experiment
Charged Lepton Flavour Violation: a factor one million improvement
Present status and future prospects for the Higgs bosonNote unusual time
First Results from ALICE
Exclusive Physics at the Tevatron and the LHC
Gravitinos - here, there and everywhere
Probing mechanisms of neutrinoless double beta decay at the LHC
Simulations of Hard QCD Radiation
Measurements of Neutral Current Pion Production by Neutrinos at 1 GeV with SciBooNE
Towards Antihydrogen confinement with the ALPHA Anithydrogen Trap
Last bets for new physics at the LHCPlease note the date of this extraordinary seminar.
Weak boson pair production at the LHC
Dark Matter in the Galaxy and at the LHC - making the connection
First Data with the Atlas Experiment
Recent results from CDF and prospects for a measurement of charged lepton violation at J-PARC
Central exclusive processes at the Tevatron and LHC
CHARYBDIS2: Modeling black hole events at the LHC
Recent Results from the CDF Experiment (POSTPONED UNTIL MICHAELMAS TERM)
Time-dependent analysis of the B0->rho0rho0 decay and alpha angle at BABAR
Superleading logarithms and the breakdown of QCD coherence
The Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (CANCELLED)
ILC : Detector and Physics
The Atlas TriggerNote this seminar is on *Monday* at 2pm, not the usual Tuesday.
The Search for Exotic Stable Massive Particles
SUSY Weather Forecasts for LHC and Dark Matter
High Energy Atmospheric Ionisation and Clouds
Hard Multi-Jet Predictions using High Energy Factorisation
Parton Distribution Functions for LHC Physics
The NA62/P326 Experiment at CERN
Soft gluon effects in the production of colored sparticles at the LHC
Hadronization: Concepts and Models
Shower Monte Carlos at Next-to-Leading Order
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
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