University of Cambridge > > Cavendish HEP Seminars > The NA62/P326 Experiment at CERN

The NA62/P326 Experiment at CERN

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Chris Jones.

The rare decay (K+ to pi+ nu nubar) plays a crucial role in searching for physics beyond the Standard Model. Its branching ratio can be computed with a precision much higher than any other flavour changing neutral current process involving quarks both in K and B physics. The SM predicts a branching ratio of 8.22×10^(-11). The total theoretical uncertainty is reducible down to MSSM scenario, these effects can be as large as 20-25\% on the branching ratio with respect to effects more than two times lower for other rare decays like (B to mu mu). The experiment NA62 at CERN aims to collect about 100 (K+ to pi+ nu nubar) events with 10% background in 3 years of data taking, starting from 2012. The experimental technique and the status of the experiment will be revised.

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This talk is part of the Cavendish HEP Seminars series.

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