University of Cambridge > > Cavendish HEP Seminars > Testing Bell Inequalities at the LHC

Testing Bell Inequalities at the LHC

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  • UserProf Alan Barr (University of Oxford)
  • ClockTuesday 22 February 2022, 16:00-17:00
  • HouseRyle Seminar Room.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact William Fawcett.

Locality, reality and measurement have been central questions in Quantum Mechanics since its first formulation. Empirical tests addressing these issues were first proposed by John Bell in 1964. Subsequent experiments in atomic and optical systems have been found to agree with the quantum predictions at ~eV energies, and to disagree with local hidden-variable theories. I’ll discuss how, by exploiting developments from the field of quantum computing, we can now also conceive of extending these tests to high-energy systems such as Higgs boson decays.

This talk is part of the Cavendish HEP Seminars series.

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