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Chip & PIN is NOT Broken: Facing Up to Failure

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“Chip & PIN Is NOT Broken: Facing Up to Failure”

Mike Bond, Co-author of “Chip and PIN is Broken”

On 11th February, BBC Newsnight reported startling news of how a stolen credit card can be used for fraud without knowing the PIN . Speaker Mike Bond is coauthor of the controversial paper “Chip and PIN is broken” that described how this can be done. However, since 11th February a storm has been brewing in industry; professionals and techies alike are now speaking out telling the opposite story. There have been surprising revelations about who knew what, and when—if anything the controversy is growing. Who is right, and who is wrong?

Mike Bond is uniquely placed to see both sides of the story, as both employee of a vendor that sells security software and consultancy to banks, and a former researcher at the University Computer Laboratory. This talk explains the attack featured on Newsnight in layman’s terms, and gives a personal perspective on what went wrong.

Can the bankers and Cambridge academics both be right at the same time? Is this a big misunderstanding, or is it time to face up to the fact that someone made a mistake? The speaker describes what he failed to understand when this paper came out last week, and the truth he now has to face up to.

This will be the first ever event hosted by CUCaTS (Cambridge University Computing and Technology Society), a new society which aims to provide a variety of technology-related talks and events which will be appealing and accessible to everyone.

There’s no charge for attendance, so if you’re interested please do come along and invite your friends too!

For those of you who haven’t seen the recent news coverage, or would like some more information, here is an article explaining what’s been going on:


This talk is part of the Cambridge University Computing and Technology Society (CUCaTS) series.

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