University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Astrophysics Seminars > Quantifying the impact of baryons on large scale structure with the FLAMINGO simulations

Quantifying the impact of baryons on large scale structure with the FLAMINGO simulations

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Loren E. Held.

Measurements of the clustering of large scale structure can place strong constraints on our understanding of cosmology. However, many of our predictions of non-linear structure formation are based on gravity only (i.e. dark matter only) N-body simulations because the simultaneous modelling of lengths scales from a few parsecs for star formation to 100s of megaparsecs for the cosmic web is a prohibitively expensive process. In order to address any potential systematics arising from the neglect of baryons, we have performed a suite of cosmological, fully hydrodynamic simulations called the FLAMINGO simulations. Using these simulations, we have created realistic mock catalogues for the SDSS DR12 CMASS galaxy sample, a sample that is often used to derive cosmological constraints. From these catalogues we measure the projected correlation function, monopole and quadrupole correlation functions and compare these to observations to provide a bound on the impact of baryons on large scale structure cosmology. We further investigate the effect of assuming different models for AGN feedback and star formation.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Astrophysics Seminars series.

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