University of Cambridge > > Cosmology Lunch > Probing the cosmic large-scale structure beyond the average

Probing the cosmic large-scale structure beyond the average

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Fiona McCarthy.

Nonlinear gravitational collapse shaped the cosmic web of galaxies and created a plethora of different density environments – from empty regions to regions crowded with galaxies. To realise the full potential of upcoming galaxy surveys like Euclid and Rubin LSST , we need to dissect different density environments that are lumped together in traditional two-point statistics. This is particularly important for detecting extensions of LCDM including massive neutrinos, dynamical dark energy and modified gravity. I will show that one-point statistics not only provide information complementary to common two-point statistics, but also allow for accurate theoretical predictions of the late-time non-Gaussianity. I will explain how the cosmology dependence of one-point statistics of dark matter can be predicted from first principles and translated to weak lensing and galaxy clustering observables.

This talk is part of the Cosmology Lunch series.

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