University of Cambridge > > Electronic Structure Discussion Group > Discovery of a weak topological insulating state and van Hove singularity in triclinic RhBi2

Discovery of a weak topological insulating state and van Hove singularity in triclinic RhBi2

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  • UserGunnar Lange
  • ClockWednesday 28 October 2020, 11:30-12:30
  • HouseZoom.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Angela Harper.

Weak topological insulators are phases where topology depends on translational symmetry and surface states only appear along some direction, usually orthogonal to cleaving planes. This makes it in general hard to see surface states directly. We present triclinic RhBi2 in [1], a system with only bulk inversion symmetry, as a natural platform to study weak topology as the surface states live on the cleaving planes. These surface states are studied using APRES , DFT and an effective model, from which we find that in addition to topology, the system also displays a van Hove singularity close to the Fermi energy. This combination of effects makes the material a very promising platform to study novel quantum effects.

[1] Discovery of a weak topological insulating state and van Hove singularity in triclinic RhBi2, Kyungchan Lee, et al. arXiv:2009.12502

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