Diagrammatic Reasoning in Separation Logic
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Thomas Tuerk.
Diagrammatic reasoning seeks to put the use of diagrams on a par with the use of logic, in terms of formality and automation. Humans often use diagrams informally to reason about specific instances of a general problem, in order to work out a proof that applies to all cases. This can be modelled using the notion of a “schematic proof”. I show how this applies to proving the specification of simple programs, using execution traces to automatically suggest a complete program proof.
This will be a short talk, probably around 15 minutes, with hopefully plenty of questions and discussion afterwards. I’m showing a poster at a conference the following weekend, so it will essentially be a slightly extended poster presentation in order to get some feedback.
This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Automated Reasoning Group Lunches series.
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