University of Cambridge > > Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars > Graphene and Boundary Conformal Field Theory

Graphene and Boundary Conformal Field Theory

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. Carl Turner.

I will discuss boundary contributions to the anomaly in the trace of the stress tensor in boundary conformal field theory. While largely unstudied, these boundary charges hold out the tantalizing possibility of being as important in the classification of quantum field theory as the bulk central charges “a” and “c”. I will show how these charges can be computed from displacement operator correlation functions. I will also demonstrate a boundary conformal field theory in four dimensions — a relative of graphene — with an exactly marginal coupling where these boundary charges depend on the marginal coupling. The talk is based on arXiv:1707.06224, arXiv:1709.0743, and arxiv:1807.01700.

This talk is part of the Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars series.

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