University of Cambridge > > Theoretical Physics Colloquium > CFT from EFT at large charge

CFT from EFT at large charge

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact David Marsh.

Properties of CFT operators carrying some large global charge can be systematically computed in a 1/Q expansion under the plausible assumption that the corresponding states on the cylinder are described by a superfluid phase. In particular one can compute the spectrum of such “heavy” operators and the heavy-heavy-light fusion coefficients. The key to computational control is the effective field theory for the superfluid phase. This is universally described by a goldstone boson in a systematic derivative expansion, which in CFT precisely corresponds to the 1/Q expansion. Furthermore, if the superfluid supports vortex excitations as it normally happens, one can derive properties of the operators carrying both large charge and large spin.

This talk is part of the Theoretical Physics Colloquium series.

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