Student Project Presentations: "Redundancy in Turing machines"; "A two button implementation of Dasher" and "Relationships between energy and information in fly retina"
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Phil Cowans.
R.J. Henderson, Churchill College: “Redundancy in Turing machines”
Tim Ward, St Catharine’s: “A two button implementation of Dasher”
Mike Baker:
Relationships between energy and information in fly retina
Abstract for 3rd talk: Retinal photoreceptors and neurons use significant amounts of
energy to capture and code optical information and also adjust their
gains to match prevailing light levels. This project applies information
theory to biophysical models of signalling in fly retina to test whether
photoreceptors adjust their gains to optimise their energy efficiency.
The theoretical predictions can be tested by recording electrical
signals from fly photoreceptors, measuring how they adjust their gain in
response to changing light levels and estimating their energy
consumption from their input resistance. The project provides an
accessible introduction to neural coding and systems biology, and (if
desired) experimental techniques for recording from single nerve cells.
A detailed knowledge of neural coding and cell biology is not required.
This talk is part of the Inference Group series.
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