Some recent results on quantum nonlocality
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Paul Skrzypczyk.
It is well known that two separated observers, each holding half of an entangled quantum state and performing appropriate measurements, can produce some correlations which cannot be explained by a local hidden variable model. This phenomenon is known as quantum nonlocality. Though initially discovered in the context of foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum nonlocality has found applications in many different areas of quantum information theory and it has become a fundamental subject in this field. In this seminar we will give an overview of some recent results, mainly focused on the quantification of this phenomenon. In particular, we will explain how certain SDP relaxations are very useful in this context as well as how the quantification of quantum nonlocality is related to the possibility of “superactivate this resource”.
This talk is part of the CQIF Seminar series.
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