Modern Neural Networks: the Hinton Camp
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Konstantina Palla.
Historically, neural networks with multiple hidden layers have been avoided because they are difficult to train. For example, training the
networks with back-propagation yielded disappointing results, which were often worse than those obtained using shallower models. In this RCC
we will present an alternative approach to training neural networks – a form of deep learning developed by Geoffrey Hinton. The main idea is
to train deep generative models layer-by-layer in a greedy unsupervised fashion making use of a theoretical connection with Restrictive Boltzmann
Machines (RBM’s). This network can then be augmented with an additional layer to perform classification, which gives a greatly increased performance
over older training methods. We will focus on showing the need for deep models, describing practical algorithms, and unpacking some of the theoretical
analogies used to justify the design choices.
This talk is part of the Machine Learning Reading Group @ CUED series.
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