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QCD Form Factors from Large N Chiral Algebras

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TWTW01 - Twistors in Geometry & Physics

The collinear singularities of form factors in certain self-dual QCDs determine an abstract chiral algebra.  In this talk I will realize an example concretely as the large N limit of an algebra of operators living on a 2d holomorphic surface defect.  The construction goes via twisted holography for the type I topological string on a Calabi-Yau 5-fold related to twistor space.  I will explain how this realization can be exploited to compute QCD form factors in flat space, and helicity amplitudes on a range of self-dual backgrounds.  This is joint work with Kevin Costello and Keyou Zeng.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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