Optimal Tag Sets for Automatic Image Annotation
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Zoubin Ghahramani.
short talk
Automatic Image Annotation seeks to assign relevant words (e.g. ``jungle’’,
``boat’’, ``trees’‘) to images that describe the actual content found in the
images without intermediate manual labelling. Current approaches are largely
based on categorization, and treat the tags independently, so an annotation
(jungle,trees) is just as plausible as (jungle,snow). In this talk I will
introduce a new form of the Continuous Relevance Model (the BS-CRM) to
capture the correlation between keywords and apply a priority beam search
algorithm to find a near optimal set of mutually correlated keywords for an
image. This novel approach provides a formal and consistent method for
finding an optimal set of tags for an image by considering multiple
hypotheses for the identity of the keyword set via the beam search
algorithm. Furthermore by limiting the width of the beam, one is able to
avoid the combinatorial explosion associated with enumerating and evaluating
all possible keyword sets for an image. This approach also makes the
contribution of examining the performance gains for the CRM and BS-CRM
models under both Gaussian and Laplacian kernels for the representation of
the image feature distributions. Extensive evaluation demonstrates the
effectiveness of the approach in refining the set of keywords assigned to
This talk is part of the Machine Learning @ CUED series.
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