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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 169 talks in the archive. Nonmonotonic flow curves and shear banding in granular flows
Parent Lindbladians for Matrix Product Density Operators
Lattice Gauge Theory - An Introduction & Approach Based on Fermionic Tensor Networks
Turbulent zonal jets: self-organization and wave-mean flow interactions
Undecidability of the spectral gap in rotationally symmetric Hamiltonians
The mathematics and physics of wound healing
Entanglement of random quantum states: phase transitions
Fast flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid through a slowly varying contraction
Quantum advantage for learning periodic neurons with non-uniform data
Synchronization in Navier-Stokes turbulence and its role in data-driven modeling
TouQan: Towards a useful quantum advantage
Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Hamiltonian Simulation
Cracking the capillary code: towards mesoscopic self-assembly and functional micromachines
Conformal unitary circuits and toy quantum gravity
Towards asymptotic models and minimal seeds for the geodynamo
Transcendental tools in quantum information theory
Wetting and swelling of elastic fibers
On Symmetries, Boundaries, and Entanglement Entropy
Plankton Blinders: navigating turbulence with limited information
Quantized axial charge of staggered fermions and the chiral anomaly
Fixed-point tensor network construction for rational conformal field theory
The frozen frontiers of our solar system
Towards polynomial convergence for variational quantum algorithms using Langevin dynamics
OpenFOAM: Numerical Simulation in Computational Continuum Mechanics
Observed delayed onset of turbulence due to shear instability in the ocean
The quest for secure quantum communication
The role of surface tension in hydrodynamics: a new perspective
Macroscopic Thermalization for Highly Degenerate Hamiltonians
Responsive Hydrogels: perspectives, modelling, and ongoing efforts
The complexity of steady states of detailed balance Lindbladians
Entrainment across a turbulent/turbulent interface
Computable entanglement cost
Quantum computing of fluid dynamics
Energy preserving evolutions over Bosonic systems
Enhancing confidence in volcanic ash forecasts
Biomedical Fluid Mechanics: applications in urology and regenerative medicine
Theoretical Physics Colloquium Dynamical Field Theories without Detailed Balance
Koopman Operator Theory Based Machine Learning of Dynamical Systems
Theoretical Physics Colloquium Title to be confirmed
The scaling of the drag force on an accelerating plate
Theoretical Physics Colloquium Resolution: New Insights from Modular Symmetry in Conformal Field Theory
Mathematical Models for Evaporating Sessile Droplets
Flow and transport in the human placenta: a story with a twist
Transport, aggregation and wetting of assemblies of soft fibres
Theoretical Physics Colloquium Applying Quantum Computing to HEP
Slippery flows in nature and industry
Theoretical Physics Colloquium Emergent gauge fields, fractionalised quasiparticles and dynamical fractals
Dynamical magic transitions in monitored Clifford+T circuits
Lahars and Huaycos: modelling erosive flash floods
Turbulent-laminar patterns
Celestial fluid mechanics: the nonlinear gas dynamics of discs around stars and black holes
Theoretical Physics Colloquium On-shell techniques for the standard-model EFTs
The elephant in the room: fluid dynamics in the age of machine learning
Fast navigation with icosahedral golden gates
Solution discovery in fluid dynamics using neural networks
Exact dynamics and hydrophobicity in constrained circuits: classical and quantum Floquet East models
Theoretical Physics Colloquium No-Horizon Physics on the Horizon? Phenomenology of Black Hole Microstates
Visualising fluid mechanics phenomena via quasi-bases
Classically simulating quantum computations
Constant-depth circuits for Uniformly Controlled Gates and Boolean functions with application to quantum memory circuits
Theoretical Physics Colloquium The IKKT matrix model as a possible basis for 3+1-dimensional (quantum) gravity & cosmology
Culinary fluid mechanics
Efficient Quantum State Synthesis with One Query
Theoretical Physics Colloquium The Problem with Deep Learning in Science (and how to fix it).
Chaos in confinement: how to make shear-thinning fluids flow thicken
Understanding wildfire propagation: an experimental study of parameters affecting Firebrand Transport
What dimension is necessary for quantum correlations in the commuting operator framework?
Stuck in the mud? Channelling, clogging and burrowing in plastic fluids
Quantum Non-Locality in Networks
Theoretical Physics Colloquium Quantum Non-Locality in Networks
It’s sink or skim: when solid bodies meet liquid layers
Spreading of yield-stress fluids
Spectral properties of quantum channels and applications
Quantum Fine-Grained Complexity
Frictional fluid dynamics and viscously stable pattern formation
Relating non-locality and device-independent randomness
Physics-aware data-driven approaches for time prediction
Congruences of modular forms and Tate—Shafarevich classes
Quantum Nature of Gravity through a Table-Top Experiment
The fluid dynamics of disease transmission: bubbles, droplets, and microorganisms (GK Batchelor Lecture)
2nd year PhD student talks - speakers listed below
From neurons and sunflowers to elephant trunks: the fascinating dynamics of smart active filaments
New perspectives on ocean interior turbulent mixing
Partial Differential Equations seminar Oxbridge PDE Conference 23 & 24 March 2023
Quantum gravity experiments: a biased overview
Quantum cryptographic insights into black holes
Quantum reference frames: a relational perspective on nonclassical spacetime
Mordell 2022 - 100 years of elliptic curveshttps://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~jat58/mordell/
Scaling limits and macroscopic behavior for stochastic models of active matter
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Implicit Surveys at FacebookIndustrial Seminar
A glimpse of the mathematics of Bill Tutte, the greatest codebreaker of WWII
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks The positive Jacobian constraint in elasticity theory and orientation-preserving Young measures
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Non-linear wave equationsShort Course
Science Festival Maths Open Day - how to get involved
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Polynomials, Rational Functions and ChebfunShort Course
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Optimising the image optimisers via nonlinear PDE constrained optimisation - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks On both the presence and absence of interface splash singularities for the Euler equations - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks The geodesic hypothesis in general relativity - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks On fully nonlinear conformally invariant equations - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks From Boltzmann to Euler: Hilbert's 6 th Problem Revisited - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks SBV regularity for conservation and balance laws - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Asymptotics of stationary points of a non-local Ginzburg-Landau energy - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks An invariant manifold in molecular dynamics - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks On the regularity of the Boltzmann equation in bounded domains - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Stability problem in the dust-Einstein system with a positive cosmological constant - Oxbridge PDE Days
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Using MATLAB to optimise industrial operations: a case study of barge container ship routing
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks The curious engineer: applying applied mathematics
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Machines that See, Powered by ProbabilityExtraordinary industrial seminar
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks CCA open day
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Talk cancelledCanceled
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Whales, dolphins and sound in the seaIndustrial seminar
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Cambridge Centre for Analysis Open Day
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks The Schramm-Loewner Evolution and the Gaussian Free FieldRoom changed
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Introduction to the Gaussian Free FieldRoom changed
Non-linear stability of Schwarzschild-AdS for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Klein-Gordon system
The black hole stability problem
Smooth topology-preserving approximations of rough domains
Min-max methods and the Willmore conjecture
Joint works on Continuous solutions to a balance equation
Ancient solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in half-space.
Free Boundary Problems in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Higher multiplicity in minimal varieties
Particle trajectories beneath irrotational travelling water waves
K(pi,1)-property of complements to curve arrangements on surfaces
Sasaki geometry and positive curvature
Bounding singularities on minimal models
Convergence of the normalized Kaehler-Ricci flow on Fano varieties
Quantisation and the Hessian of Mabuchi energy
Gluing theorems and power series
A probabilistic approach to Kahler-Einstein metrics
Symmetries related to Okounkov bodies
Applications of the Hormander technique in Kahler-Einstein geometry
Toric Slope Stability and Partial Bergman Kernels
Lagrangian fibrations on hyperkahler manifolds
A Brunn-Minkowski theorem for Fano manifolds and some uniqueness theorems in Kahler geometry
Ambitoric structures and extremal Kahler orbi-surfaces with b_2(M)=2.
H-projective geometry: an overview
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks CCA open day
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Mordell-Weil generators for cubic surfaces
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Kolyvagin's conjecture for specific higher rank elliptic curves
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Diagonal cycles and Euler systems for real quadratic fields
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Iterated integrals of modular forms and rational points on elliptic curves
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture The divisibility of the Tate-Shafarevich group of elliptic curves in the Weil-Chatelet group
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Selmer ranks of elliptic curves in families of twists
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Parity of ranks of elliptic curves
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Counting rational points on cubic curves
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture The average rank of elliptic curves
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Old thoughts on elliptic curves, BSD, and algebraic cycles
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Numerical evidence for the Birch Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture How it happened
mod p^n congruences between modular forms
Euler's summation of the factorial series and a class of continued fractions
Euler's summation of the factorial series and a class of continued fractions
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Classification results in the theory of buildings
Reversibility, Chaos and Self-Organization
D-branes and Derived CategoriesThis talk follows the talk by Dr D. Tong
Uses of D-branesNote early start. This talk is followed by a related talk by Prof T.A. Bridgeland. Dr Tong and Professor Bridgeland shared the 2008 Adams Prize.
Astrophysical Accretion and Bright Black Holes
The Langlands correspondence: prime numbers, symmetry and algebraic geometryCMS Colloquium
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The orbit category and Alperin's conjecture
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listscomputer science Office of Scholarly CommunicationOther talksFormation and disease relevance of axonal endoplasmic reticulum, a "neuron within a neuron”. Chemical genetic approaches to accelerate antimalarial target discovery Determining structures in situ using cryo-electron tomography:enveloped viruses and coated vesicles Stopping the Biological Clock – The Lazarus factor and Pulling Life back from the Edge. LARMOR LECTURE - Exoplanets, on the hunt of Universal life Unbiased Estimation of the Eigenvalues of Large Implicit Matrices mTORC1 signaling coordinates different POMC neurons subpopulations to regulate feeding An SU(3) variant of instanton homology for webs Animal Migration Active Subspace Techniques to Construct Surrogate Models for Complex Physical and Biological Models |