University of Cambridge > > CQIF Seminar > Energy preserving evolutions over Bosonic systems

Energy preserving evolutions over Bosonic systems

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Laurens Lootens.

In the talk, we will investigate semigroup evolutions in bosonic systems arising from GKLS -form generators composed of bosonic annihilation and creation operators. We will start with a little revision of semigroup theory and then discuss the problem’s setup. Looking into some previous work on this topic (Gaussian semigroups and CAT codes) and the mathematical complications that arise due to the unbounded nature of the generators, we will make some conclusions about possible approaches. Using these insights, we will construct non-commutative Sobolev spaces and tailor the generation theorems by Hille-Yosida/Lumer-Phillips to our setting. I will end the talk with some applications, a discussion of the benefits of this framework and some open questions.

This talk is part of the CQIF Seminar series.

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