Samantha Peel
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Name: | Samantha Peel |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Tue May 31 08:46:14 +0000 2022 |
Public lists managed by Samantha Peel
Talks given by Samantha Peel
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Samantha Peel
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Samantha Peel actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- 'Ethno-Science': Recent reflections on bioprospecting | gloknos Research Group
- Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Four | gloknos Research Group
- The causal analysis of racial discrimination
- 'Ethno-Science': Guest Speaker – Graham Dutfield | gloknos Research Group
- Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Three | gloknos Research Group
- Why do women leave philosophy?
- Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Two | gloknos Research Group
- Training Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
- POSTPONED Training Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
- 'Ethno-Science': Ethno-Science and historiography | gloknos Research Group
- Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session One | gloknos Research Group
- Qualifying Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
- 'Ethno-Science': Guest Speaker – Esther Jean Langdon | gloknos Research Group
- Soil research and practice of ethnopedology | gloknos annual lecture series
- 'Ethno-Science': Translations between Field and Lab | gloknos Research Group
- Book Launch – The Right to Science: Then and Now
- Senses and Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
- 'Epistemologies of Soil' gloknos Symposium
- 'Taste and Knowledge': Senses and Taste | gloknos Research Group
- 'Ethno-Science': Economic Botany in the Nineteenth Century | gloknos Research Group
- 'Ethno-Science': Nineteenth Century Travel Instructions | gloknos Research Group
- Sarah de Rijcke [gloknos lecture]
- Laksmi Savitri - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Salvage, Service, or Militancy: Missions, unions, and states in maritime Arab world - Laleh Khalili [gloknos lecture]
- Kalwant Bhopal [gloknos lecture]
- Shailaja Fennell - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Islamicate Territorial Imaginations: Maps, Birds, and Related Machinations - Karen C Pinto [gloknos lecture]
- Eduardo Machicado - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Louisa Prause - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Ali Al-Sharafi’s Oeuvre as Something Other Than Simply Local or Global - Sonja Brentjes [gloknos lecture]
- Anna Wolkenhauer - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Indigenous Data Sovereignty - Tahu Kukutai [gloknos lecture]
- Women’s International Thought: Toward a New Canon? - Patricia Owens [gloknos lecture]
- Leo Steeds - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- The View from the Land, 1947-1981: ‘Modernity’ in British Agriculture, Farm, Nation and Community - Karen Sayer [gloknos lecture]
- Eloisa Berman-Arévalo - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Sakshi Aravind - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Strauss in Beijing - Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer [gloknos lecture]
- CANCELLED gloknos Annual Lecture – Prof Sarah de Rijcke
- CANCELLED Towards a Global History of Knowledge? Premises, Promises, Concerns – gloknos Annual Lecture
- ONLINE Agrarian Relations: Towards an Epistemology of Land (18-19 May 2020)
- CANCELLED Heavens and Earth: An Empirical Approach to Knowledge Across Cultures– gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- CANCELLED The Right to Science Symposium (1-2 April)
- CANCELLED Film and News Media II (26-27 March 2020)
- Alternate Twentieth-Century Biotechnologies (Domestication Practices across History)
- The Imaginaries We Were Born Into (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Politics of Hybridisation (Domestication Practices across History)
- Towards the Modern Subject (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- From Epistemicide to Global Knowledge: Reconstructing a Decolonised Academy – gloknos Annual Lecture
- Journalism and News Media (6-7 February 2020)
- The Mendelian Gene Goes Global (Domestication Practices across History)
- Revisiting the North/South Binary: Towards a Thirding Lens
- Imperial Imaginaries and the Making of Modernity (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Neoliberalism's Literary Rhythms: Engaging with Canonical Texts to Vanquish the Market Myth
- Empires of Acclimatisation (Domestication Practices across History)
- Economic Globalisation in the late First Millennium (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Commanding Nature in Early Modern Europe (Domestication Practices across History)
- The XVII C. Safavid Diplomatic Envoy to Siam: A Politics of Knowledge Formation
- The Future of History: From Cliodynamics to Degenerative Dystopia, via Science Fiction – gloknos Annual Lecture
- Global Classics? (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- *RELOCATED* Documentary Filming of Cultural Interaction (28-29 November 2019)
- Late-Victorian Economists and Empire: Jevons, Marshall and the Cultural Political Economy of Trade
- Classical Heredity in the Roman and Medieval Worlds (Domestication Practices across History)
- Mobile Knowledges before the Classics (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Domestication and the Origins of Agriculture (Domestication Practices across History)
- Book Launch – Nikola Tesla and the Electrical Future
- Consent, Prosent and Biomedical Data in the Era of Blockchain– gloknos seminar
- Knowledge Beyond Discipline • Global Epistemics Book Series Launch
- Drake, Maroons and the Predation of Spanish Imperial Connectivity in the Sixteenth Century – gloknos seminar
- Novelty and the Emergence of the Western Global in the Early Sixteenth Century – gloknos Lecture
- Prehistory: Agriculture and the Societal Imaginary (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Exhibition: Leonardo da Vinci 500 Years On: Visions of Future Imaginaries
- Literature of Loss (3-4 October 2019)
- The Science and Politics of Food in Human History: Open Knowledge Summer School in the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities 2019
- The Burning Issue: Hazy Relations and the Construction of Knowledge in the Land Management Fires of Southeast Asia - gloknos seminar
- Book Launch – 'The Transforming Power of Cultural Rights: A Promising Law and Humanities Approach'
- Heavens and Earth: An Empirical Approach to Knowledge Across Cultures– gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- Book Launch – 'Making the World Global: US Universities & the Production of the Global Imaginary'
- Consent, Prosent and Biomedical Data in the Era of Blockchain– gloknos seminar
- Book Launch – 'Canguilhem'
- The Power of Agnosis and the Politics of the Unknown - gloknos cum panis seminar
- Circulating Public Knowledge: Towards a New History of the Postwar Humanities – gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- “The Political Economy of Nutrition in the 18th Century” - gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- “Knowledge and War: Paper Technologies in Early Modern Empires” - gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- Geographies of knowledge in ancient and modern Iraq: the Nahrein Network and the intellectual infrastructure of heritage