University of Cambridge > > IOP East Anglia Branch Applied Physics Seminars > Distributed optical fibre sensors: an introduction to the technology and applications.

Distributed optical fibre sensors: an introduction to the technology and applications.

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A unique class of sensors, distributed optical fibre sensors (DOFS), provides a measurement of the physical quantity of interest at each point along a sensing optical fibre. The technology, commercial for distributed temperature sensors for some 30 years, is continuing to improve and to broaden to new measurands and applications. DOFS have created completely new opportunities for monitoring assets that were previously uneconomic or simply impossible to measure at more than a few discrete locations.

The talk will provide a technology primer on these sensors and describe some of their applications, with an emphasis on emerging DOFS and the new capabilities that they provide.

About the speaker

Arthur Hartog has been immersed in distributed optical fibre sensors since their inception in 1980. His work has spanned the demonstration of the first distributed temperature sensor through to its commercialisation and on-going development and the validation of applications at York Sensors Ltd, a spin-out of Southampton University. Since joining Schlumberger in 2001 through its acquisition of York Sensors’ parent company, Arthur has engaged in research into new types of distributed optical fibre sensor systems and their field demonstrations.

This talk is part of the IOP East Anglia Branch Applied Physics Seminars series.

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