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Dressed to kill: what do infectious disease agents have in their wardrobes?

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We’re delighted to announce that our opening speaker of the term is the renowned Professor Sunetra Gupta from the University of Oxford. She will deliver her lecture ‘Dressed to kill: what do infectious disease agents have in their wardrobes?’, drawing upon her highly creative, interdisciplinary work in mathematics, biology and literature that led to her recent Royal Society Rosalind Franklin Award. She is a scientist whose fascinating work demonstrates the parallels between mathematical equations, the language of genetics, and poetry.

Professor Gupta will be joining us this Tuesday (20th October), 7pm, at our impressive new venue, the Arthur Goodhart Lecture Theatre at the Faculty of Law.

Facebook event: Map:

The talk is free to members, £2 for non-members, and will be followed by wine and cheese (and smoothies!). Life membership of both the Cambridge SciSoc (with reciprocal life membership of the Oxford SciSoc) will be available to purchase for £15.

This talk is part of the SciSoc – Cambridge University Scientific Society series.

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