Formalizing Metarouting
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact William Denman.
I will talk about the Metarouting project and its implementation in Coq.
Internet routing protocols are build on ideas of classical shortest path
algorithms. However, metric and operations on paths in Internet routing
are much more complicated. Shortest path algorithms usually require the
path algebra to be a semiring in order for the result of the algorithm to
make sense. Internet protocols usually fail these conditions.
The aim of Metarouting is to provide a framework for constructing path
algebras and inferring properties about them to see if they can be used
to find shortest paths. We implement a language (together with its
semantics) for specifying path algebras in Coq and prove how constructions
of the language propagate properties of interest. Using code extraction
we get a formally verified code that computes properties of specified
algebras and uses those algebras in shortest path algorithms.
At the end of the talk I will give a little demo.
This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Automated Reasoning Group Lunches series.
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